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You climb the tree and shield the unconscious Krum from the Death Eaters. When the coast is clear, you deliver him to safety. Since he was knocked out the whole time, he never knew what you did for him. 


"Well, have you figured it out yet?" 

Harry Potter gives you a weak smile as you walk back from Divination together. You didn't talk too much before the Quidditch World Cup, but going through some major trauma with Harry, Ron, and Hermione has got you talking to them much more often. 

"Of course I've figured out the dragon egg," he reassures you, though his voice is shaky. "I just don't think it would be right for me to share details. Word gets around quick here." 

"Not that," you say, rolling your eyes. The rest of the school may have Triwizard Tournament fever, but you never did care for life-threatening games. You've been avoiding the tournament at all costs. "I meant your Yule Ball date." 

After Harry's first failed attempt with Cho Chang, you've tried to help him pluck up the courage to find a date. He might have even asked you if you hadn't made it clear that you were boycotting the event. If you dance around in the lap of luxury here, would it be any better than doing so in The Capitol? 

"Yes, actually. Ron and I are going with the Patil twins," he tells you. You try not to make a face. The Patil twins don't seem the type to enjoy Harry and Ron's company. 

"Sounds fun!" you chirp out, though you know it's not too convincing. Just when you're afraid things will get too odd, a voice calls out from behind you, effectively ending the conversation. 

"Katniss, hold up!" it says. You peer over your shoulder to see Dean Thomas jogging to catch up with you. Just as Dean reaches you, Harry gives an awkward nod and continues walking on ahead of you. "Look, I know you said you don't believe in these sort of events, but I was wondering if you'd changed your mind about the Yule Ball?" 

You shake your head. "I can't go, Dean. It's just not fair while my family is struggling out there." 

"Your family will never know!" He gets bug-eyed for a moment, then coughs. "Sorry. That was a bit... insensitive. What I mean is, I'm sure your family wants you to be happy and have fun. The Yule Ball isn't really about being show-offs like the events in your Capitol, right? It's meant to promote magical co-operation. You support magical co-operation, don't you?" 

"Of course I do, but--" 

"Then why don't we go together, just as friends?" He gulps down hard. "It's obvious that I'm not going to get a serious date at this point, so if I have to go with a friend, I want it to be you." 

You sigh. It's likely Dean's just trying to flatter you so that he won't be the only Gryffindor fourth-year boy without a date. That could be a reputation ruiner. Hell, even Neville Longbottom found someone before Dean! But is saving his dignity really worth ignoring your morals? 

Should you:

A.) Petition everyone to boycott the Yule Ball?

B.) Go to the Yule Ball with Dean Thomas?

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