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To your utter amazement, Draco Malfoy cuts in when you're in the middle of dancing with Dean Thomas. He seems nervous and unlike himself, but he calmly asks for your hand. 


Maybe his filthy rich parents spent money on a dance teacher, but the Slytherin boy you hated sure can dance. And maybe -- just maybe -- your heart leapt a little on a few of those steps. For whatever the reason, you seem to like light-haired guys. But whatever this means, you swear to yourself this is a one time thing. When the music stops, Malfoy is your enemy again.



You throw your copy of The Daily Prophet face down on the ground just by the lake's edge. Rita Skeeter is at it again. This time, she claims Harry's been stealing magical instruments and potions ingredients from under professors' noses all year, including the gillyweed he used for the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. She claims the accusations come straight from Professor Severus Snape, but even he wouldn't sink low enough to speak to that woman. 

"Did you see it?" Hermione asks you as she settles down on the grass next to you. "Ridiculous, isn't it?" 

"It's almost worse than her last article," you sigh. Of course, Skeeter's last article suggested that Hermione was dating both Harry and Viktor Krum when in reality, she isn't dating either. At least she claims she's not dating the Bulgarian bon-bon. "Have you talked to Viktor since?" 

"Of course! He knows that Skeeter woman is a fraud as well as we do." Her chest deflates as she lets out a long sigh. "He's none too happy about it, though. We try to speak in more private places now that I've been attacked for supposedly cheating on Harry Potter." 

You cringe at the memory of Hermione's hands burned and blistered from bubotuber pus when you went to go visit her in the hospital wing. 

"Attacked, you say?" A voice cackles in delight from behind you. Even though there's not another event surrounding the Triwizard Tournament for weeks, Rita Skeeter is back on Hogwarts grounds. "Was it Harry or Viktor, who snapped after becoming so enraged with your infidelities?" 

Hermione's eyes stare at the ground defiantly. "I'm not speaking to you." 

"Very well then," Rita responds without missing a beat. "There are plenty of other honest students willing to fully disclose information regarding such incidents! They have nothing to hide, you see." 

As she walks away in her dragon hide dress with her Quick-Notes Quill scribbling away, you realize you'd like nothing more than to give that woman a piece of your mind. 

Should you:

A.) Confront Rita Skeeter?

B.) Follow Rita Skeeter?

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