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Before you leave, Haymitch Abernathy comes out to wish you some final words of advice: This is the time to show them everything. Make sure they remember you.

In the old days, you would have needed to take the train and listen to Effie Trinket's time schedules. But now, you're a witch, and you're going to use magic to take the Capitol DOWN!

Nobody is prepared for magic in the Capitol. Sure, President Snow collected a few hints from his childhood friend, Severus Snape, but as far as you know, he never really knew anything substantial. 

You don't waste any time. With the effortlessness of a truly badass witch, you shout STUPEFY! at every Peacekeeper you see and literally pull spells you didn't even remember you had out of your brain and blast everything in your path. You are a one-woman, singular wrecking crew. Good thing you paid attention in the DA! 

In your mind, all you keep thinking to yourself is:  This is for you, Prim. They did this, and now they will pay!  

Still, even in your extraordinary anger, you refrain from using the Unforgivable Curses. To do so would be too much like them. You still need to keep your dignity, remain who you are. 

You feel an incredible hatred for the Capitol citizens, living so luxuriously while the rest of Panem starves, but they still have an innocent quality about them. They're not necessarily against your rampage   they're just scared. 

In the distance, you see President Snow's mansion. 

Should you:

A.) Take the scenic route? 

B.) March straight up to the mansion?

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