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On your way around the Capitol -- while you avoid and/or annihilate the peacekeepers who pursue you -- you notice a patch of plants in a central square. OF COURSE! you think to yourself, remembering the prophecy. With a smile on your face, you pick up the nightlock berries. 

When you reach Snow's mansion, you're surprised to see him waiting there with a wand. You know it's useless to duel him, because the prophecy told you otherwise. 

"I realize I can't defeat you," you say, after the two of you get caught in a wand-lock. "Why don't you take this delicacy as a token of peace." 

"Peace?" he scoffs, shaking his head arrogantly. 


You've killed President Snow, but apparently some jackass named Cato won the last Hunger Games and has now been male modeling for an inter-world clothing line called Aberforth & Filch.

You find out Cato killed Prim in cold blood.


Word of your magical rampage has spread around Panem, and suddenly even the worst Capitol citizens want to play up to you. 

Head Gamemaker Seneca Crane, sporting a stylish beard, even forms a garage band and plays some weird Capitol music in your honor. With him is the appointed new leader of Panem, President Coin. 


President Alma Coin would have become just the next derivation of President Snow, so you have something to say about it. 


The Panem government -- according to YOUR liking has been formed.


After months of creating the new Panem you always dreamed of, you receive an owl from your old friends at Hogwarts. The DA needs you ... desperately! 


Neville and Luna are SO happy to see you! Truth be told, you're just as excited to see them, and even though you'll never EVER get over Prim's death, your heart is ready to open again.

You wonder about Harry -- and Draco-- and Fred. But more pressingly, Voldemore has just broken the protections around Hogwarts.

>Next chapter is last chapter<

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