Katniss Everdeen and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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What is this all about? 

The security on Platform 9� only allows you to move at a snail's pace as you try to reach the train. A group of official looking wizards stand all around the platform, monitoring the students and families weaving around them closely. 

"What do you reckon, Katniss?" a voice says right into your ear, making you jump. You look down and see Seamus Finnegan bouncing on his heels. "Are you worried we'll be murdered in our sleep at Hogwarts?" 

You shake your head in confusion. "Sorry Seamus! I didn't see you there! You're just so... short." He gives you a begrudging look, so you quickly change the subject. "What do you mean �murdered in our sleep?' What's happened?" 

"A mass murderer by the name of Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban-- that's the wizard prison," he explains after registering your befuddled stare. "He was You-Know-Who's right hand man before he fell from power." 

Your stomach sinks. You came to Hogwarts to get away from the threat of violence in Panem, but it just keeps finding you. Will you ever be safe? 

"How did he escape? Isn't the prison sealed up with magic?" You worry. 

"That's the dilemma!" Seamus looks far too excited while discussing this murdering psychopath. "He somehow got passed the dementors, these nasty old creatures that guard the place, without a wand. Incredible! Scary, but incredible." 

You're about to point out to Seamus that you don't need to worry much, considering that you are not the one who'll be sleeping in a bed next to Harry Potter all year, when you spot a figure wearing a lime green bowler hat chatting wearily with another official-looking person. You've seen his paper in several issues of The Daily Prophet. 

Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge is on Platform 9 � with you. 

As Seamus talks away in your ear, you stare up at Fudge nervously. Maybe you should talk to him about looking into ways to create a safe, peaceful environment in Panem. If anyone could save Panem, it's him. Plus, how often do you see the Minister of Magic wandering about? 

"�Ey Katniss, are you in there?" Seamus' grumpy voice snaps you back to reality. "This line is starting to move. Want to grab a car together? Dean and others will probably join us too." 

Should you:

A.) Talk to Cornelius Fudge about Panem?

B.) Get on the train with Seamus?

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