Katniss Everdeen and the Goblet of Fire

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The letter from Professor Dumbledore giving you permission to attend the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasley family was the best piece of news you'd received all summer. Life in Panem has grown increasingly bleak. As much as you love your family and enjoy providing for them, you couldn't wait to return to the Wizarding world. 

Your orange backpack portkey has led you straight into Ottery St. Catchpole, the home of the Weasley family. You arrive in the wee hours of the morning, but a lanky man with bright red hair already waits in the doorway for you. 

"Hello! I'm Arthur Weasley!" The man takes your hand and shakes it firmly. "Dumbledore tells me you're a Muggle, but not in the traditional sense. He'd mentioned something about inter-dimensional time travel-- said he'd enlisted some sort of �doctor' to help." 

"Doctor who?" you ask. 

"No idea!" he replies. 

The Weasley siblings, along with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, shuffle out the door behind him and greet you with bleary eyes and soft voices. You begin a long trek through the town and up a hill. At the top waits a boy who is introduced to you as Cedric Diggory, though there's no need for the introduction. You've been staring Cedric down in every Hogwarts corridor since your sorting day. Hubba hubba! 

The day is a whirlwind of setting up camp and watching the most intense Quidditch game of your life. Just when you expect to settle down and head to bed, a massive bang, soon accompanied by bright lights and horrified screams, wakes you out of a stupor. 

"What was that?" Ginny screams as everyone races out of the tent. "Where's Ron? And Harry and Hermione?" 

Masked men in robes are just outside, lighting fires and holding the Muggle owners of the campground hostage in the air above them. 

"Death Eaters!" Fred confirms. "Run for it!" 

You try to stay with the others, but the crowd jostling around you is too thick. You're on your own before long, ducking for cover wherever you can. You're sure you can get to the treeline and climb high enough that you'll be safe until this all ends. 

You're almost there when you trip on something and fall down, hard. It groans underneath you. You jump back and examine the very familiar face of the injured man. 

It's the Bulgarian seeker, Viktor Krum. 

Should you:

A.) Bring Viktor Krum to safety?

B.) Hide in the trees by yourself?

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