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Ever since the Deathday Party, you've become a bit fascinated with ghosts. They live all around you and you know they've all got important stories to tell, just like Rue. Even the Bloody Baron had some particularly interesting stories about holidays spent in Majorca once he moved beyond his gruesome death. On the other hand, you really wish you hadn't heard those.. 

Still, there's only one ghost you speak to regularly, mostly because she'll hunt you down in the corridors and scream about what a bully you are if you don't-- Moaning Myrtle. 

You're bracing yourself for another crying session in the abandoned second floor girls bathroom when you hear a voice inside. You tiptoe in to find little Ginny Weasley leaning against the sinks, weeping. 

"I don't know what's happening!" Ginny cries to Myrtle, who looks just a bit gleeful as she hovers over the scene. 

You know it's not your conversation, but you can't help but speak up. "Don't know what's happening with what, exactly?" 

Ginny's head snaps up and her hands fly behind her back. "Nothing!" She insists, looking around the room wildly before looking back toward you. "It's just... Draco Malfoy's been teasing me again. He doesn't like my brothers very much. I think he may have tried a Confundus Charm on me earlier today..." 

She looks absolutely mortified as she brushes past you without another word. You catch the sight of a black book tucked tightly against her side. She must have been writing in her diary about the terrible incident, assuming nobody would find her here. You feel the ache of pity in your gut and suddenly want to run after her. 

"Sad, isn't it?" Myrtle says. "Of course, I used to get teased all the time. I was hiding in this bathroom after being teased when I died--" 

You come up with a plan of action and cut her off quickly. "I'm sorry, Myrtle. I'll have to come back tomorrow."

Myrtle whines a bit. She'll probably flood the bathroom later tonight to make sure everyone knows her misery, but you've got to make sure Ginny is okay. If she's being bullied, you should at least let her brothers know. Surely, Fred and George will come up with a sick, twisted revenge plot. 

You rush out into the corridor just in time to see a flash of red hair rounding the corner. You can't help but call out "Ginny! Are you alright?" 

Ginny stops in her tracks, then turns to give you a weak smile and a nod. She waits as you trot down toward her. As you begin to walk back to the Gryffindor common room together, she meekly insists that the incident was nothing to worry about once again. 

"If Malfoy is teasing you, you should talk to someone," you insist back. "Tell Fred and George!" 

Ginny shakes her head slowly. "I don't want to rely on them. I want to be more than just the youngest Weasley, running to her big brothers for help. There's always something going on with them." She turns to you and genuinely smiles. "Including a rumor that you have a crush on Fred!" 

"What? No!" You cry in outrage. Fred is fun to be around, but he isn't a baker or a painter. He takes way too much sugar in his tea and never double-knots his shoelaces. He's not exactly what you're looking for in a relationship. 

"You better starting someone else soon, before ridiculous nicknames like Fratniss start popping up!" Ginny giggles manically. 

"What's so funny, Weasley?" A sneering voice calls out from behind you. "Have you just realized what your father actually does for a living?" 

You snap around to see Draco Malfoy and his two henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle, approaching. 

You suddenly feel very protective of Ginny. What has she done wrong besides being born into a family in which one parent works to help Muggles? Did she really deserve to be hiding in bathrooms crying because of that? 

"Back off, Malfoy!" You yell at him. "Ginny's never done anything to you! Leave her alone!" 

Draco looks shocked by your angry response for the briefest moment, then his face twists into a smirk. He reaches into his robes and pulls out his wand, casually flicking it about. "What are you going to do about it, Everdeen? Duel me? You're barely a step up from that nitwit Longbottom!" 

You know this is a challenge, but there are other ways to punish Draco than hitting him with a Bat Bogey curse.

Should you:

A.) Duel Draco?

B.) Create a revenge plot with Fred and George?

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