Katniss Everdeen and the Order of the Phoenix

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The summer is almost over and you've been anxious to get back to Hogwarts, because you know this is the year Rue told you about. You are to get some kind of prophecy from the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic in London. 

You've never been to the Ministry of Magic before, so you know you'll have to devise some kind of plan to get there sometime during the school year, but you're not sure yet how you're going to do that and when exactly that could be done. Times like this make you wish you could use magic any time you wanted. 

You set out to traverse the woods one more time before your journey back to Hogwarts. Unfortunately, since Cedric Diggory's death and all the ensuing controversy surrounding Professor Dumbledore's statement about the Dark Lord, the food from the Ministry has stopped coming to District 12. You have been hunting all summer, more than ever, to make sure there's a good amount of food for you and your family, and you've been snaring even something for Gale and Peeta as well. You want to make sure that while you're at Hogwarts, they'll return the favor and keep your family well taken care of. 

You also want to visit the makeshift memorial you created earlier in the summer for Cedric. 

You remember the dream you had of Cedric the previous night. His eyes bore into you, dark and mysterious as you looked up at him standing in the corner of your room, and he looked almost sickly pale. 

"Is this a dream?" you asked. 

"Yeeesss," he whispered in a low, soft voice. Almost like a girl whispers. "I've come to say thank you for being so kind to Cho after my death. And uh, er, thanks for the flowers. Oh, and by the way, can you hunt me a little somethin'-somethin'? It took a while to get here and I'm kinda starving. Now, goooo toooo sleeep." 

You set out and kill a few squirrels and leave one on Cedric's memorial before going back. Once you've left the area, you could swear you saw some kind of sparkle flash in the corner of your eye and heard the words "nom nom," but decide it's best to get back to your house. 

It's a good thing you do, because out in the town square, you notice a crowd of people running and screaming in different directions. Gale is there trying to control whatever thing is in the middle of this mess. And so is Peeta, with a big loaf of burnt bread in his hand. 

When you finally get there, you see something you've only seen in your Monster Book of Monsters and Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class. A blast-ended skrewt has made its way to Panem, and to District 12, no less! You know this must have something to do with you and your prophecy. 

You know it would be much easier to use magic to deal with the blast-ended skrewt, but you also know you are strictly forbidden from using magic outside of Hogwarts, or you could be expelled. 

Should you:

A.) Use magic to destroy the blast-ended skrewt?

B.) Try your luck with your bow and arrows?

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