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You're chilled to the bone as you enter the castle after another challenging Quidditch practice. Your tryout months ago hadn't been the best, but it was enough to show your potential. Plus, you were the only person trying out for Chaser who didn't fall off her broom after her first dive. 

Wood hasn't let up on the team one bit because of the frosty weather, but you don't mind. You've found your home on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. You've got friends. Most nights, you practice together, dine at the Great Hall together, and laugh together in the common room. You just barely finish your homework before sleepily wandering up to bed. But now, most of the others are gone for the holidays and you're alone again. 

Life at Hogwarts has slowly become easier, but that doesn't keep your worries away. You've been particularly perplexed since you received a bow and arrow for Christmas with nothing but an unsigned note stating "My father left this in my possession before he died. Use it well." You've been pondering the note in your dorm all night. You know you won't be able to sleep in your four-poster bed with so much on your mind, so you decide to relax in the common room by the smouldering fireplace. 

You've only been curled onto the sofa in the common room for a few minutes when a figure comes downstairs from the boys dormitory. You try to make out who it is, but the person throws a shimmering cloak over his or her shoulders and disappears from sight. You hold back your gasp and stay perfectly still as the portrait hole opens, seemingly on its own. 

There's no way you can stay away. You can't help it. As silently as you can, you sneak through the portrait hole and search for the person you'd just seen. Suddenly, you see the briefest flash of something down the hall: half a sneaker appears then disappears on the ground. You scamper to the spot and from there on, the clues keep coming: a sniffle without an owner, a random flash of light, a door that opens on its own. Eventually, it all leads to... the library? Who sneaks out at night to go to the library, especially with Hermione Granger home for the holidays? 

You consider following the person through the library, but another noise catches your attention first. The soft purr of a meddling cat. Mrs. Norris! Filch can't be far behind. You scurry off down a hall you've never seen before, twisting and turning in the dark until you opening a heavy wooden door and catch your breath in the room beyond. 

There's only one other thing inside. An ornate mirror catches your eye from across the room. You cannot think of a single item or decoration in all of Panem that surpasses its delicate beauty. Even from the odd angle where you stand, you can see an intricate inscription. Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. 

You long to examine the item closer, but you hesitate. If you've learned anything from your time at Hogwarts, it's that not all magic is good. If this mirror has been stored away, there's probably a good reason for that. 

Should you:

A.) Look into the Mirror of Erised?

B.) Seek out the mysterious figure you'd seen earlier?

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