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Several weeks have passed since you dueled Draco Malfoy near the Astronomy tower, and you look back on it with a vicious smile. He went for his wand, but you decided to do things the old-fashioned way: bow and arrow.

Let's just say he spent a night with Madam Pomfrey -- and he never bothered Ginny again. 

And remember Moaning Myrtle? Well, how could you forget her. Except strangely, she seemed to be calling for you to do something one day. To do something important. 

It was for Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, and they never knew about it. but when you received a surprise care package from Haymitch that included two empty beer bottles and a package of District 12 dirt (WAS THAT A CRYPTIC MESSAGE FOR YOU?), it was also delivered by a mockingjay instead of an owl. You've always loved mockingjays, especially because your father sang to them. You've also kept that gold pin -- the one the letter from Hogwarts told you to keep. 

But back to Moaning Myrtle. She yelled for you. She knew your friends -- the ones you liked so much in Gryffindor but rarely approached -- were in terrible danger, and she needed someone with healing powers. Harry was fighting a basilisk below in the Chamber of Secrets. He was wounded and fighting to survive. 

It was you who whispered the message to your mockingjay that made the difference. You told it to find Professor Dumbledore's phoenix -- Fawkes -- and save Harry. 

Well... needless to say, your plan worked brilliantly. But don't tell anyone -- you like being a secret heroine. 


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