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You'd only been looking into the mirror for a few minutes. It took about half that time to realize that the image of Prim, safe and happy at Hogwarts with you, was not real. But you've convinced yourself that it could be real. You can help Panem and bring Prim here to live a better life. That must be what the mirror meant to tell you. 

You didn't get to look nearly as long as you would have liked to. Instead, you heard the hurried footsteps and hidden away in the darkest shadows you could find. That's when the figure you'd seen earlier finally unveiled himself as Harry Potter. You watched him with a bit of shock and amazement as he too discovered the mirror. Then, of course, he sat there for several hours. It took all the willpower you had not to pop out from the shadows and yell at him to get a move on. It was nearly dawn by the time you reached the Gryffindor dorm safely again. 

Since that night, you have watched Harry Potter and his friends carefully. He's always been quiet and removed from the rest of the Quidditch team, so you never approach him. You've noticed that he's grown more and more distracted as the year goes on. When you're not too distracted by his best friend's flaming red hair, you realize that the two of them and Hermione Granger are always whispering amongst each other. Either the three of them have laryngitis or they're planning something. 

The night they sneak out of the dormitory, you awaken to the sound of Neville Longbottom's body thumping down on the common room floor. Snatching your bow from under the bed, you seek out of your dormitory with quiet hunter's feet. You hear the three of them whisper before they disappear again under Harry's shimmering cloak. Though you feel bad for him, you tiptoe past Neville and leave him in his full body bind. He'll just try to fight you if you unleash him. 

Thankfully, Harry, Ron and Hermione are invisible, but NOT quiet. They seem to have forgotten that the halls of Hogwarts are patrolled each night by a man who'd love nothing more than to chain you all up by your thumbs for sneaking out of bed. You follow their voices from a safe distance, ducking behind statues and knight's armor whenever possible. You've always avoided the third floor corridor, as you were instructed by Professor Dumbledore in the beginning of the year, but that is exactly where the others lead you. So much for safety! 

Whimsical sounds of a harp fill the air as the trio slips through a door at the end of the corridor. You sneak up to the door, waiting for them to return, but they never do. Instead, you hear panicked yells a few minutes later. Resolving that you have to save them from a dangerous threat, you burst through the door. 

You enter the room and find you're not facing down Harry, Ron and Hermione, but a snoring, slobbering three-headed dog. Mutts! Even in the wizarding world, you can't escape them! Sound rises up from a hole in the floor:

"HAVE YOU GONE MAD? ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT?" Someone yells from below. 

You land in a charred pile of Devil's Snare, now dead from the fire. The voices have moved through an open door just beyond this area. The door begins to close on its own accord, but you slip through just in time. Inside the room, hundreds of keys flutter all around. Harry and his friends still haven't noticed your presence, so you overhear them as they sort through the keys and find the one that looks most likely to unlock the next door. 

The others jump on brooms in pursuit of the key, immediately causing each one to fly at twice its previous speed. Like a frantic rabbit scurrying about the forest, you watch the old-fashioned key with a broken wing move around the room. You're almost positive you can shoot it down. 

You go to raise your bow, then hesitate. Are you a witch or not? 

Should you:

A.) Shoot the key down with magic?

B.) Shoot the key with an arrow?

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