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Scabbers gets away. You think you hear rumblings about the rat being affiliated with the Dark Lord, but that sounds ridiculous. In the meantime, you tell Professor Snape about the werewolf. He seems as unconcerned as ever, though he does assign a section on werewolves for you to read, specifically on page 394.

Ron Weasley hobbles over to the Gryffindor table in the dining hall and plops down in the seat beside you, just across from Hermione Granger. He lays his crutches across the floor and begins to pile his plate with eggs, sausage, and way too much ketchup. 

After a moment of silence, he pipes up in between bites. "Fred and George told me that you three were the ones who found Professor McGonagall and helped her get me to the hospital wing." He shoves a massive bite of marmalade covered toast into his mouth. " Preciate it." 

"We were sneaking off to the Quidditch pitch," you explain. "Fred bet me that he could execute a decent Wronski Feint. We were going to test him in action." 

"A wonky what?" Hermione asks. 

Ron snorts into his drink, then looks up at you. "Hermione here doesn't know much about Quidditch." 

"I know plenty enough about Quidditch, thank you very much," she replies indignantly. 

"You know, Dad's been saying that he might be able to get tickets to the Quidditch World Cup this summer," Ron tells you excitedly. He tries to calm himself down a bit, but does a poor job. "It's probably all talk, of course. But if he does, Fred and George should bring you along!" 

You nod enthusiastically as you chew. When you look across the table, Hermione is shooting you a look of absolute envy. 


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