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The first day of class has already turned into an event of reaping-like proportions. Harry went and irked Professor Umbridge enough to send him out of the class and into detention. Although you believe Harry about the Dark Lord being alive and returning -- and you already know you can't stand Umbridge -- you question whether it was the best idea to infuriate her on the first day. 

You know everyone in school has been on edge. Sure, you are too, considering you've already had to deal with a blast-ended skrewt and a hearing at the Ministry of Magic. But now your fellow classmates are at odds with each other, or maybe just at Harry Potter. 

Some of your classmates are even aghast that you were also able to return to Hogwarts after you got away with using magic outside of Hogwarts. At least you know you've still got some friends supporting you in your House, but Harry's been acting so temperamental lately that you haven't really spent much effort trying to talk with him. It's curious, though, how some people believe him and some people don't. You even got into an argument with Seamus about his insensitivity towards Harry. 

"What's it to you, Everdeen? You shouldn't even be here!" he retorts. Of course, this makes you angry and you feel like saying something back, but you don't. Wasn't he trying to make a move on you just two years ago at Platform 9 3/4? Instead, you stand directly in front of him, looking down at his beady eyes. Seamus has to tilt his head up to look at your face. You actually want to laugh now, but before you can, Ron comes back down into the common room. 

"Oi! What's going on here?" he asks, exchanging looks between you and Seamus. 

"Nothing," you both say. 

You go out of the common room and roam the halls, trying to figure out if there's anything you can do to make things better. Unfortunately, you bump into Professor Snape. You try to keep your head down in his Potions class, but you know he has a strong dislike for anyone from the Gryffindor house, especially Harry. 

"Where do you think you're going, Ms. Everdeen?" he asks. 

"Well, I have some free time. I just wanted to.. umm.. talk to Professor Umbridge about chapters we're supposed to read for next class," you tell him, although that wasn't your plan at all. 

"Hmmm..." he says as he glowers at you. "You know, Ms. Everdeen. I've had my eye on you ever since you came to Hogwarts. You may think you've gotten away with using magic outside of Hogwarts this time, but beware of the company you keep. Potter and his friends will eventually get you into a situation that even the Headmaster won't be able to get you out of." 

"I understand," you say, and then start to move, in the direction you were going. 

"Didn't you say you were going to see Professor Umbridge?" Professor Snape asks. 

You nod, and then Snape points in the opposite direction. You actually didn't want to talk to Professor Umbridge at all. You just knew he wouldn't let you roam about the grounds absent-mindedly without following your every move. Snape doesn't trust you one bit. 

The problem is that Snape is still right behind you, apparently making sure you get to your said destination. 

Should you:

A.) Tell Professor Snape you changed your mind and wanted something to eat from the kitchen? 

B.) Go to Professor Umbridge's office?

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