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As classes start, you're pleased to know that you'll be taking Potions not only with your fellow Gryffindor friends, Ron, Harry and Hermione, but Draco will also be there. You're not into potions, but Professor McGonagall has insisted that you take it anyway. She hints that maybe it could actually be useful for you in District 12. 

Draco gives you a half-hearted smile, but you know you probably shouldn't talk to him now. So, you make it a point to try to catch a time when you can talk to him. Probably not until you work your feelings out -- and you've never been good about deciding which boy you like. 

You find Professor Slughorn to be a happy sort of fellow, although a bit odd. Then again, many of the professors are odd in their own right. You wonder if it's a requirement to teach at Hogwarts, and you've seen plenty of oddities in Panem, too. 

You don't win the challenge that Professor Slughorn has given, but Harry does and you're happy because that's points to the Gryffindor house. Sure, you could've used that Felix Felicis yourself, but you also know that Harry would use it wisely as Slughorn has suggested. 

You're also glad that you routinely put your hair in a braid and don't put makeup on, and wonder why many of the other girls don't do the same, considering they're all out of sorts now. You look over at Lavender Brown and figure she must have spent at least three hours putting on makeup, all in the hopes that Ron might look at her. When he finally does, she smiles like she's on some kind of drug. 

You get a free period between Apparition and Charms class, so you figure now would be a good time to go searching for Draco. You have to address this somehow. You've heard his father might have been put in Azkaban, so you figure maybe that's why he seemed so distant in Potions. 

"Why would you want to talk to that git?" asks Harry as you walk the halls with him and your other Gryffindor friends. 

"He's not that bad," you say, trying to ease Harry's growing annoyance. 

"Not-that-bad??" Harry asks slowly, and you can tell that he's not taking your words lightly at all. "Katniss, his father is a Death Eater! You could put yourself in terrible danger just talking to Malfoy." 

You know he could be right, but now you're irritated at Harry for thinking you're some helpless little girl. 

"I've been in terrible danger many times, Harry! I think I can handle myself okay," you say loudly and you start walking faster to separate yourself from him. Before you get too far ahead, Harry steps in front of you. 

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, Katniss. I guess I can't tell you who and who not to be friends with. I just... want you to be careful," Harry says. "But also, remember that prophecy you told me about earlier?" 

You nod. "Have you heard anything about it?" 

"Well, no, but maybe you can talk to Dumbledore about it? He's been very helpful to me throughout the years, and I had a prophecy too which he's been talking to me about. I'm sure he could help you out," Harry suggests. 

You take a deep breath because you realize that's actually a good idea. You've never really asked Dumbledore for help before, but you know that if anyone can help you with this prophecy, it will probably be Dumbledore. 

However, remembering the look on Draco's face when leaving the Potions class earlier makes you wonder if talking to Dumbledore can wait. Draco is your friend, after all, even if your housemates disapprove of him. 

Should you:

A.) Search for Draco? 

B.) Talk to Dumbledore?

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