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When you go to meet with Dumbledore at his office, you're greeted by a friendly phoenix and some exquisite ornamentation. You really love the whole look of his office, and needless to say, it's nothing like anything in District 12. Perhaps not all luxury is bad. 

As he listens to your story, he seems very curious, but you also notice the way he hides one of his hands. Something terrible must have happened to it, because you know he's the best wizard in the world. Could he be getting old and frail? 

You even detect some extra gravity in his voice and phrases. It's almost like he knows he's not going to be here much longer. 

"Accepting you into Hogwarts was one of the finest decisions of my tenure," he tells you, leaving you nearly speechless at such a compliment. 

"Thank you so much," you reply, blushing. "To have had the chance to become a part of this magical world, it's been so wonderful. I wish everyone could have the same opportunity, whether they be poor citizens of District 12 or muggles who read about places like this and wish they could be part of them." 

"Well you know I've always been a great friend to muggles," Dumbledore says. "I know there are millions out there who -- if they could just read a book or series about the magic world -- would love any chance to be a part of it." 

"Absolutely!" you confirm. 

"I've been talking to a magnificent muggle scholar about that very thing ... a lovely woman," he continues. "J.R.R. -- oh wait, that's Tolkien. Sorry, J.K.R. I believe, or something of the sort. Rhymes with that funny American sport, bowling." 

"She sounds wonderful!" you say. 

"Oh, she is. If I ever were to consider a woman ... well, she would be the one! But that's neither here nor there. Let's talk about your situation. In this case, I am not the one to talk to." 

"Then who is?" you ask.


Little did you know that Severus Snape spent some of his childhood in Panem, as a member of the Capitol's famous Prince family. As a boy, he was a classmate of Coriolanus Snow's.

After some hesitation, Snape takes you into some of his memories by way of pensieve. You see him interacting with a young Coriolanus Snow, who shows signs of early evil.

In one scene, you learn about Snow's penchant for Panem herbology, including a fascination with roses and a ghastly fear of nightlock berries.

That's it! The nightlock berries are the key ... somehow. 

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