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It's not that you don't trust your magical abilities, but your bow and arrows are practically an extension of your being. You're more steady and precise with them than any spell in the universe. 

You take a careful look at Harry, Ron, and Hermione's flying patterns before pulling an arrow from the sheath. You eye the key, taking carefully note of how you can best shoot the arrow while risking the least damage. You take aim. 

The arrow flies from your bow, missing Ron by just a few inches. It sails until it hits the old silver key, then lodges itself and the key into a wooden ceiling beam. 

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron hollers, staring at the key suspiciously. 

Hermione flies up to carefully snatch the key from underneath the arrow. You step back in the shadows, hoping none of them suspect they're being followed. 

"It's accidental magic," Hermione reasons. "You must have conjured the arrow with your wand, Ron. Maybe transfigured one of the other keys." 

Ron eyes his wand with trepidation, then after a brief pause, murmurs "Cool!" 

"That's great, but we've got to move on. He could already have the stone!" Harry says to the others. 

They unlock the door and begin to move on. After the others have walked through, Hermione Granger comes to a halt. 

"If you're still there, you should know this is going to get dangerous," she says, never turning to face you. A chill runs down your spine. "Please climb the Devil's Snare back up to the third floor corridor. If we're not back in half an hour, get Professor McGonagall." 

With that, she steps through the door and closes it behind her. 


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