Are You Up For The Challenge? The Year?

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How do you sum up a year with Jürgen? 

A surprise?




You'd get a lot of different things from any side of the Liverpool fans: The pessimists, the optimists, the couch fans, the Liverpudlians, the doubters, the believers, the "over reactors", the "play it cool" ones. There's a lot! 

But we can all decide on one thing. Hate him, love him. Think he hasn't done anything, think he's the next Shankly, we all think he's the Normal One. 

And that's enough for us

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And that's enough for us. That's enough to get the Liverpool fan base close together for ninety odd minutes and cheer the lads on. Be the 12th man that the team might desperately need should we need an equalizer. A match winner. The cherry on top of a big win at home.

We'll need that today.

We have the advantage. Home field advantage. Energetic manager, energetic fans and energetic players. We'll run them ragged.

But let's not get to comparing the managers for the rest of this. They're night and day, with any tries only biased and slightly stupid when you hear them unless in full depth. 

One stays at clubs in seven year stretches. The other can't make it past three. One has earned a mountain of trophies and the other a modest few. One, a better record against the other for odd reasons.

We can't compare the fans either. Night and day, we are. One thinks of hard work, determination and time to get things done. The other opens a cheque book and demands a new one.  But let's not get to the horrible chants. Let's stop them.

So what is this about? Where's the pump?

It's here, don't worry.

I'm just trying to say that we're yin and yang.

Our opposite nature's will be shown today, with heavy metal against the big bus.

We need to find a way to break them down, and quickly in the first twenty minutes or it's game over. If we don't press from the start, there is no way we're going to look dominating, but only that we're trying to hang on.

They think they have the right men, but we need to prove them wrong.

They don't play together like we do. It's a band of brothers against a band of egos. It's not hard to see which one will win on paper.

But this match is won on the field, not on paper. And Anfield is going to be very important tonight.

This is Anfield, no one comes in and teaches us a lesson, it's the other way around.

This match can reverberate to the rest of the season. Should we win, no one will doubt if we can be top 4 or not, we'll just be there.

This match will show if we have enough fire to do well in the big, important matches. Should we not do well, it's almost as if we have to prove ourselves once again.

So be the 12th men the Redmen will desperately need today and for the rest of the season.

You never know. If we do well today, it may send us off on a road of good things to come.

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