Is This The End?

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Coutinho places the ball down. A Liverpool corner, but he's having doubts that it'll even go in. Lovern's goal was very, very lucky. There was no way that could happen a second time.

Still, he kicked the ball, getting it high into the air. Everyone seemed preoccupied with something or someone else, except for Matip. He rose high into the air, head connecting with ball. The net shook and so did the stadium. First goal for Joël Matip! Liverpool are back in front! It seems that even the center backs are getting in on the fun!

You may have not thought this when that header went in and Joël and the rest of the team were celebrating, but that could have been the final nail in the coffin for Sakho.

A defender that has made Lovren look better, scores goals and came for nothing? The most obvious thing to do is say yes and make him the first name mentioned when talking about our defensive players. He is already a great center back, though that probably doesn't need explaining because you've seen him play. And he can only get better. He's young, after all.

But what about Sakho? What do we make of him?

And that's just about the only debate that's going around Liverpool right now. Well over than Karius/Mignolet, Can/Wijnaldum and Firmino/Sturridge.

He's a good center back himself, but I believe the scandal has gotten too much.

Though he was cleared, I'm pretty sure Klopp's still a bit pissed. Sakho said nothing to the staff about what he was taking, though I'm sure it's hinted that he has to. It'd put Liverpool in a bad light, though he was finally cleared, to be played. Don't you think so? In American press, it's always negative when a player that has been charged, cleared or not, plays. The English press is, no offense, a lot worse.

And over the summer, he'd been very unprofessional, as many have put it. Which led to him being sent back to Liverpool while everyone else was in California or the like.

I've been turning away from the obvious for a while now, but don't you think it's been a slow deterioration of the relationship between Sakho and Klopp?

Our manager, I'm sure, feels like he can no longer trust our favourite Frenchman. While it started very favourably, it went south just as quickly.

Liverpool Country is now torn apart and very confused. Do we side with Klopp and turn our back on Sakho or side with Sakho though there are already reports of him leaving?

It, in all honesty, is tough. He's a lovable character that has done a few bad things and it hurts to see him be strung about like this.

What do you think of this? Personally, I don't think Sakho can get the spot he had before, which is the only reasonable spot for him as this is his prime years. I'll miss him, but it's best for him.

I just hope I'm wrong.

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