When Two Lives Cross Pt.2

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Okay now continue.

(Mark's P.O.V.)

*Present Day* *Alternate Universe*(Don't judge me)

I sigh, running my hand through my hair. Today marks five years since my division was shut down. You see, five years ago, my chief was found out to be in some sort of... Drug ring and all of us police officers were denied any positions in the police line of work. So, after some struggling, I started a YouTube channel.

It started slow, but then it grew and grew and now Markiplier is a common heard name in the YouTube Gaming community. I've got a little over eight-million subscribers, and I've met so many cool people doing this. An example is Felix, or PewDiePie, who is now a really good friend of mine. We talk, we collab, he gives me tips, I tell him stories. He has a fascination of hearing my police stories for some reason.

Currently I'm in a Skype call with Felix, and we're just talking about whatever. When suddenly... "Oh yeah! I did a shout out contest about two months ago and I found this really cool guy! His username is JackSepticEye. He's got about a million now, but he's super cool." Felix says, smiling wide. I nod. 

"Cool. Yeah, I'll check him out." I say, quickly going to YouTube and searching for a "JackSepticEye". As soon as I do a result pops up. The icon is a green eyeball and the subscriber count is a million. I click on the channel, going to the newest video. A vlog, thanking everyone for a million subscribers. 

He starts out the vlog with a high five before screaming at the camera. "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is JackSepticEye and thank you all so much for 1,000,000 subscribers. That's ridicul-" I pause the video, staring at Jack's smiling face, replaying his voice over and over in my mind. 

His voice sounds so familiar, and he looks so similar. Could... Could this be McLoughlin?

"Hey Felix. Do you know his real name?" I ask. Felix frowns and shakes his head. 

"I can see if he's got a page somewhere though. Like on Wikitubia or something." He says, and I hear the quick typing of a keyboard. Then it stops and Felix slowly nods. "Yeah, he's got a page. Says here his real name is Seán McLoughlin. He's twenty-six now." 

It is. He is McLoughlin. I look back at the video, staring at him. Man... I can't believe it. Drug dealer, punk McLoughlin. I look back at the Skype call with Felix. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go. I'll talk to you later." I say. Felix smiles and nods.

"Alright! See you later man." And with that the Skype call is hung up. I sigh, running my hand through my hair. I stare at the video, trying to decide. Should I message him? Should I not? Should I? Should I not? I sound like an anxious teenage girl. Awesome.

"Screw it." I say softly, deciding to private message him. I'm not gonna tell him that I know him, don't want to freak him out. I'll just tell him I want to talk.

"Hey! I just came across your channel and I think you're really cool! Wanna collab sometime? We can Skype now, talk about it first if you'd like. Here's my Skype." 

I attach my Skype in the message as well before sending it, just staring at the screen waiting for a reply. Sure enough, I soon get one.

"Hi! Yeah! We can totally collab! I haven't watched your videos but I've heard so much about you. I'd love to Skype! Here's mine." 

I nod, quickly going to Skype and send him a friend request. In only a moment he accepts. And then... 

I hit the call button. 

McLoughlin's face shows up on screen, all smiles and excitement. Until he sees me on screen. His face falls and all that's shown is shock, surprise. Surprisingly to me though, no anger or anything of the sort. He studies my face, watching me as I watch him.

"Hey McLoughlin." I say, smiling slightly. He stutters before getting a word out.

"H...Hi..." Is all he manages to say. I chuckle. It's silent as we stare at each other. It's only now that I realize exactly how much he cleaned up. He's barely the same person, and if I hadn't become so familiar with him while trying to catch him I probably wouldn't have recognized him.

"How are you?" I ask. He chuckles. 

"Um... I'm good. Yeah... How about you?" He asks it hesitantly, as if I'm going to yell at him or something. Instead my smile just widens.

"I'm going pretty good." I say. He shakes his head, unable to pry his eyes away.

"I'm sorry, I still can't believe that you're Markiplier." He says. This just makes me laugh and he chuckles a slight bit. Once I calm down I run a hand through my hair.

"Yeah." I say softly.

"How?" He asks then, confused. 

"A year after I arrested you my division got shut down, and I couldn't get any more work in that line of expertise. So I started this." I say, smiling. He nods slowly, sinking it in still that he's once again face to face with me. Sort of. 

"How about you?" I ask, curious to hear his story. He chuckles.

"Uh... I started a year ago. It was going pretty well but it skyrocketed once PewDiePie gave me a shoutout." He says. I smile.

"I was just talking to Felix actually. He's how I came across your channel." I say. He shakes his head. I don't know what to call McLoughlin now. He's not the same person. He isn't McLoughlin. I guess I should just call him what everyone calls him. Jack. "So, Jack... What happened?" 

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Um... Well long story short, I ended up five years." HE says, smiling softly. My eyes widen a bit. 

Back then, I would've gladly seen him behind bars that long. Present day, now that I see him for him, I can't help but feel bad contributing to that. I shake my head slowly, only one question going through my mind. 

"How the hell are you not mad at me?" I ask. This just makes Jack laugh.

"Well, believe me, I was in the beginning. I hated you." I nod to the side. Understandable. "But when I got out, I just wanted it all to go away. I realized that I screwed up, and I screwed up bad. You did the right thing. So I gave myself an alias, I forgave you... And I forgave myself." He says the last part softly. 

"Where are you at now?" I ask. He chuckles.

"Same place. Just outside LA. I would've gone back to Ireland but they said not to leave the country for the first couple years." He says. That's right. If he was in for five years... He just got out a year ago. 

"I'm sorry." I say simply. He shakes his head. 

"I already forgave you. No need to apologize." He says, smiling now. He looks happy, and I've never truly seen that on his face before. True happiness. 

"You really cleaned up. You sound better and you look better." I state. He nods, his mood seemingly happier. 

"Yeah. I got most of my tattoos removed, I still have a couple on my back. When I went in, they took my piercings out and I didn't want to go get them again. I took the gauges out, and got rid of the multicolored. Now it's, obviously, just green and I love it." He says, messing with his hair. This makes me laugh a bit, noticing how happy he seems now. Always noticing it. He stops and continues. "And yeah, I haven't used or smoked since before I went in." 

I smile. "I'm glad. I'm really happy for you Jack." I say, and I swear his expression became happier. He nods.

"Thank you. I am too. For you, I mean." He says. I nod, chuckling.

"Well, thank you." After that it's silent for a few seconds more. "I wasn't lying about the collab." 

Jack's smile comes back, happier then ever, and he nods wildly. I laugh, and before I know it we're recording our first ever video together. 

A/N: Alright, so, once again, there is another part. A third part. This one being in the future! Ooh... So, yeah. Watch out for that I guess. Enjoy!

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