Secret Identity

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A/N: BTW Seán looks like this ^ but with a green mask over his eyes too =P

(Mark's P.O.V.)

My city is a normal city. A perfectly normal city. Except that it's riddled with crime. Or used to be. That was before he came around. We call him The Streak, and he's a superhero. He saves people, and he locks up the criminals. Everyone loves him. No one knows him. Whenever he's seen, he quickly moves away. 

He doesn't just move away, he runs away. He runs at the speed of light, cause along with many other side powers, that's what he's known for. Just being a green streak along the streets of our cities. Those who have seen him, still don't know what he looks like for he always wears a mask. Those who have heard him, don't know what he really sounds like because he uses a voice changer. 

But no one cares, because he's proven he's good. He's proven he cares. He's proven he'll protect us. He's proven he loves us as much as we love him. The Streak is a hero. A superhero. One the public loves, but doesn't know. And I'm part of that group, sad to say. But me... I'm a little different. Cause I do love him, but I also kind of know him.


It's late, around midnight. I'm at the top of my apartment building, everyone in my apartment asleep already. I snuck up here like every other night, just so I can meet him. And that's where we are now, both of us sitting on the ground, me pushed against the wall of the staircase, him in front of me, kissing me gently. 

The Streak, or as he's told me to call him, Jack, is my boyfriend and has been since he saved me two months ago. Ever since then we've made it a regular thing that every night he'll meet me at the top of my apartment building around eleven, so we can talk. Nowadays though, talking normally turns into kissing. 

I love him, I do. But he's never taken off the mask around his eyes. He's never let me see those eyes. And I want too... I can kind of see them behind the dark film, but not really. And I want too... I break away from the kiss, smiling softly. He smiles too, his hand resting on my cheek. 

"Jack..." I start. He tilts his head to the side, curious. "Why can't you tell me who you really are?" 

He sighs, his hand dropping as he looks to the ground. I've asked before, but I've never truly gotten an answer. He always skips past it, but this time... He speaks. 

"It's because I'm afraid." He says it quietly. I just chuckle. 

"You don't get scared."

He looks up at me, a serious expression on his face. "But I do when it comes to you. If you knew who I was, you could be in danger. I'm risking enough coming here in disguise, if my enemies knew who I was and that I was with you... You'd be in danger every day... And I'd hate myself if anything happened to you." 

I nod, understanding. I didn't know he cared that much. I didn't realize he would get scared... The fearless superhero is scared because he doesn't want me to get hurt. Heh... Who knew? 

"Is there no way for me to know who you are?" I ask quietly, hopefully. Jack only sighs. 

"I'll see. But for now, no." He says, somewhat stern. So I just nod and lean in for another kiss. 


School is always boring. Every kid is the same. Every kid likes me and talks to me. Except one. The only one I like. Seán McLoughlin. He doesn't talk to anyone, and he's always wearing a hoodie with the hood up. I've tried talking to him, but anytime I get close to his general location, or even if I make eye contact, he turns and walks away. 

Seán is a mystery to me, and a mystery I'm determined to find out and explain. But it's the end of the school day, and I haven't seen Seán all day, so I probably won't figure out this mystery today. I don't know. I'm just turning away from my locker and walking down the hall when I feel a tap on my shoulder. 

I whirl around, and there I am, standing face to face with Seán William McLoughlin. "Hey Mark." He says, staring at me. But I just stand there staring at him, shocked. He's talking to me? Whoa... And his voice sounds familiar, but from where? Eventually I shake myself from the trance. 

"Oh uh, hi. What's up?" I ask, shifting the backpack on my back. He shrugs, looking towards the ground. Per usual, he still has his hood up. 

"Um... I was hoping maybe you could come with me? There's this hill a little ways away, and it gives a really nice view of the city." He says, and immediately I smile and nod.

"Of course! Lead the way!" I say. He smiles sheepishly, before adjusting his own backpack and walking away. I follow, shocked with how quickly he moves. It's swift yet graceful. Plus the way his hips sway back and forth... It's nice. Once we get out of the school building, we go a way I've never gone before.

And like Seán said, it doesn't take long. In only about ten minutes we're on the top of a hill, and like he said, it gives a beautiful view. 

"Wow..." I say, dropping my bag. Seán follows suit, chuckling. 

"Yeah... I really like it up here. Reminds me of another place I go." He says, and sits down on the grass. I sit next to him, nodding. Personally, it reminds me a lot of the roof, but nicer. 

"So why are you all of a sudden talking to me?" I ask, looking at him. He hums and glances at me, before sighing and looking at the ground again, picking at the grass. 

"Oh... Uh, I don't know. I just... You seemed really intent on talking to me so I thought I'd make your job easier." He shrugs, and even though I know he's lying I just hum and nod. 

"Alright." I whisper, looking out at the city. I do love the city. It's beauty. Many don't think it's beautiful, just busy. But at night, when there's nothing but apartment lights and stars, it's absolutely gorgeous. 

"Mark?" I hear Seán whisper. 

"What is it?" I ask, looking at him. But when I turn to him, I see he's only inches away. He smiles softly, and closes the gap between us, kissing me. At first I freak. I've only just talked to him for the first time! But I melt into it, only noticing subconsciously how familiar it is. And we just sit there, kissing on top of the hill. His hand goes to my cheek, my hands going around his neck.

And it's only when we pull away that I realize how familiar that was. The feel of his lips on mine, the way he caressed my cheek, the way he kissed me gently yet passionately. I stammer, also noticing that his hood has fallen off to reveal bright green hair. He stands up, and walks backwards, grabbing his backpack.

Then he puts his fingers to his lips, whispering a "shh", before running away at the speed of light.

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