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A/N: So quick warning: This is mpreg. A lot of you may be wondering why the hell I'm writing this but I was talking to a friend yesterday and she encouraged me to try and read one of the stories. So I tried reading and I ended up enjoying quite a few, and I got a good idea so this is what happened. If you don't like this stuff, leave. And if you wanna read, enjoy!

Oh yeah, and please don't question logic. Just throw all logic you've ever learned out the window while reading this. Alright? Alright. Enjoy! =D

(Mark's P.O.V.)

It's been two months since Seán and I have gotten married and it's been amazing. We're still living together in California, but we got an actual house instead of just an apartment; well actually my parents got us a house. It was our wedding gift. So we have that and all of our subscribers absolutely adored our vlog of day one on our honeymoon.

Which was amazing in of itself. For... Multiple reasons. We went out to Tokyo and spent about a week out there for our honeymoon before coming back. We didn't post any videos during that time except the vlog, but our fans totally respected that and congratulated us on social media multiple times.

It's been so amazing. Knowing that I'm actually married to Seán. He's my husband. Holy shit... I can't stop realizing that and then freaking out on the inside. I love him so much, and I'd do anything for him. I know he'd do the same for me.

The only thing that hasn't been amazing is that Seán's been a little... Weird lately. He's a lot more tired then normal, and he's gained some extra weight (which I didn't think was possible for Seán). He also complains about nausea every once and a while. So over all, he's just been a bit weird and it concerns me. Nothing really has happened though so I'm just leaving it be.

Today's been a good day, since I just woke up thirty minutes ago not much has happened. Seán is still passed out on the bed, sleeping soundly. When I woke up I was tempted to wake him but he's been so tired I wanted to let him rest. So now I'm just making a quick breakfast of toast for myself, my thoughts running through my head.

Most of my thoughts is just family things, video games, Seán, etc.. It's normal for me to think these things early in the morning when the house is silent and there's no one around but me. It's nice sometimes, the quiet. We're always recording and goofing off and screaming, so these moments in the morning... It's nice.

I gasp quietly, the toast popping out of the toaster making me jump a bit. After I realize what happened I chuckle, shaking my head a bit and grabbing the toast and putting it on a plate. Then with a sigh I walk over to the fridge and I grab the butter, grabbing a butterknife out of the utensil drawer as well.

I quickly put the butter on the toast before washing the knife and putting the butter back in the fridge. Then I grab my plate and I walk over to the couch, sitting down and starting to eat. I stare at the food for a second, spaced out. Then I snap out of it and I pick up a piece of toast, going to take a bite when suddenly... It's not silent anymore.

I jump a bit when I hear the sound of retching coming from the master bathroom but I quickly recover. I jump off the couch, running upstairs and to the bedroom. Then I turn into the bathroom to see Seán leaning over the side of the toilet, vomiting.

"Oh my god Seán." I say, walking over and kneeling next to him, putting a hand on his back. I wait patiently, rubbing soothing circles on his back as he empties the contents of his stomach. Eventually he finishes, panting slightly. He falls back, leaning against the wall with a tired look in his dreary eyes. I frown, grabbing a towel and giving it to him. He wipes his mouth and I quickly give him a cup of water, which he drinks.

Then I turn and flush the toilet, before grabbing Febreze and spraying the air. Then I sit next to him, still frowning a bit as he just sits there, staring into space.

"What happened?" I ask softly, taking his hand. He sighs, turning and laying his head on my chest. I hug him gently, using one hand to play with his hair.

"I don't know. I woke up and I just had the feeling that I needed to puke." He says, voice raspy. I sigh, putting a hand to his forehead but his temperature isn't hot. In fact it seems cold.

"Are you okay Seán? This is really starting to worry me." I say, playing with his hair again. And then before I even know what's going on he starts crying. Tears spill down his cheeks and sobs escape his lips. My eyes widen and I hug him tighter. "Oh my god Seán, what's wrong?" I soothe.

He inhales shakily. "I don't know! I just... I never feel well anymore and I hate it and I'm tired and..." He cries more, sinking into my embrace. I shake my head a bit, shushing him and playing with his hair, trying to calm him down.

"It's okay. We'll take you to the doctor and figure out what's going on, alright? Sh... It's okay..." I say, closing my eyes. Eventually the cries stop and except for some sniffling he seems fine.

"No... No I'm okay now. I think I just needed to throw up. I'm fine now." He says, smiling softly. I nod, but neither of us move. We just sit there in silence, me hugging him, him practically falling asleep on my chest. Soon I'm pretty sure he did fall asleep. But then...

"Mark?" I look at him quizzically to see him looking at me with an innocent look on his face.


"Can you go somewhere and get me a chicken ceaser salad?" He asks. I chuckle, shaking my head a bit.

"You don't even really like those. Plus are you sure you wanna eat something after that?"

He shrugs, practically begging me with his eyes. "I know I don't really like them but... I really want one now. And I'll be fine! I'm just hungry and I really want a chicken ceaser salad."

I search his eyes for a second, just trying to find something saying he's pranking me. But no, he actually legitimately wants me to go and get him food. "Alright. Fine. I'll be back in half an hour." I say, standing up and walking out of the bathroom, grabbing my jacket from the desk chair. Seán also walks out of the bathroom, but immediately sits on the bed.

"Alright. Thank you." He says, I smile, nodding. I get a few more things, watching out of the corner of my eye as he gets his phone and starts searching for something. I catch the words "symptoms of" but nothing else. Huh. I'll ask him later... I grab my keys, and I head towards the door.

"I love you." I say, and he looks up from his phone, smiling.

"I love you too." He says and with that I walk out the door.


It's been a little longer than half an hour, maybe forty minutes. But I'm finally back with the food Seán asked for. I still don't know why he asked for this specifically, or why it sounded good to him but whatever. I know better than to question Seán when he's hungry. It normally doesn't go that well for me.

I use my keys to open the front door, and I quickly shut and lock it behind me. "I'm home!" I yell. Silence. I frown, walking into the kitchen and putting the bag of food down on the counter. "Seán?" I yell.

"Uh, yeah! I'm... I'm up here." His yell dies down a little at the end and this just makes me extremely concerned.

"Did you get sick again?" I yell as I start walking up the stairs.

"No. No just... Just come here." He chuckles a little at the end of his sentence. By now I'm more confused then concerned. I walk down the hall and into our bedroom to see him sitting on the bed, staring at something in his hands.

"What's up?" I ask, and at the sound of my voice he stands up, beaming. His smile is something that can make the whole world light up, I swear to god. He walks up to me, stopping about three feet away. And that's when he holds up what was in his hands. A small white stick, one that I recognize. It's a pregnancy test.

And it tests positive.

A/N: How'd you like it? I like it. I liked writing it.

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