When Two Lives Cross Pt.3

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

*2 Years later*

It's been two years since Jack and I had our little reunion. We did as we said, and we recorded a video together. Everyone loved it. So we continued. And continued. And now we're the best of friends despite everything. I've introduced him to all of my friends and he loves them too. And our channels are going great. I'm at eighteen-million, he's at seventeen-million, and our channels are just growing and growing.

It's been some of the best two years of my life. It definitely beats the two years I spent chasing him, and I think it really makes up for it too. Jack and I haven't really talked about what happened, and none of our friends nor our subscribers know about our past. Despite what Jack said he'd do, he never moved back to Ireland either.

He's still in LA, and said he has no intention of moving. He has new friends here, and getting to conventions are easier. He said it is nice though not having restrictions anymore, being able to go and see friends outside of the US. Like Felix for example, who lives in London. Anyways, we're just now finishing up a video with Bob and Wade and it's been a lot of fun.

"I will see you in the next video. Buh bye!" I do my outro quickly, before finishing my recording. Jack sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Man... That was a mess." He laughs, the rest of us agreeing quickly. Wade shrugs.

"Well, at least we got it done. And it was a lot of fun." He says. I nod, and go to speak but Bob beats me.

"Yeah. Even though it got a little... Different, at the end. It was still fun." He says. I nod. We were playing GMod prop-hunt and the video took an unexpected turn when we kept making many, many Septiplier jokes and Jack and I kept making references from eight years go, ones only we know. So yeah. It got a little weird.

"Yeah. Why did you two keep laughing so much?" Wade asks then, nodding towards his camera. I immediately know he's talking about Jack and I. I stutter quietly, but Jack's got my back.

"Inside joke." He shrugs. Wade nods slowly, and doesn't seem to believe him, but doesn't question further. Bob, does question further.

"Okay. What about all the Septiplier jokes? I mean, we make them all the time but that was a little excessive." He chuckles. Okay that I also don't have an answer for, cause I don't know. Jack just shrugs and I follow suit.

"I don't know. Just how it played out I guess." I answer the best I can, and that doesn't seem to satisfy Bob either. But, just like Wade, he doesn't push it. Instead we continue talking and joking until both Bob and Wade complain that they have to go do other things. Jack and I say a quick goodbye to them, and then it's only the two of us.

Jack chuckles. "We made so many references there..." He groans, putting his head in his hands. I laugh, nodding.

"Not necessarily on purpose. For me at least. I just started saying stuff." I say. He nods.

"I figured as much."

"What? Are you saying that's normal for me?"

"Oh yes."

We both laugh at this, just enjoying the talking and the joking. And then it goes silent. Neither of us have anything we want to say anymore. I rack my brain, trying to find some conversation starter. And at first I can't think of anything. But then a question comes to mind.

"Hey... Why did we make so many Septiplier jokes? I mean, I just followed along with you and so I don't really know the reasoning." I say, shrugging. Jack bites his lip and shakes his head a bit.

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