The Demons Inside

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A/N: Bit of Anti/Mark and Danti so... You've been warned. 

"His body was weak! You all said my name! Kept me. I am hear now. Inside. You! It's all YOUR fault!!! Too long - You listen to me! You all made this happen! You could have stopped me! But you just watched... As this happened! Now he's gone forever... Say goodbye..." ~AntiSepticEye 10/31/16

(Mark's P.O.V.)

Everyone thought it was a joke. Hell, even I thought it was a joke. Everything he said. All of the edits. The entire Halloween video, including the vlog afterwards. It was all so well staged. Everything he said was true. All of the edits weren't edits. The Halloween video was the last of Seán, and the vlog was damn good acting on Anti's part.

No one noticed in the vlog. They didn't notice that glint in his eye, not like I did. They didn't notice the red lines on his neck, and if they did they assumed it was from the "fake" blood instead of the shock collar Anti always wears that he took off for that video. They all assumed it was fake.

But the moment I saw that vlog I knew something was wrong. Something happened. I just knew that he wasn't him. I tried getting ahold of Seán but I couldn't and that just worried me more. Nobody had heard from him since Halloween, and at that point it was two weeks later. Then... A couple hours after my last call... He showed up.

At first I thought it was actually him. But then I noticed. I noticed the smirk first, then the gauges, then the shock collar, then the darker clothes. By the time I realized, he was already in the house. He grabbed me by the shirt and told me that Seán always liked me, and that because of my teasing it made him weak enough that Anti could break free.

Then he said it was "our turn". At first I had no clue what he meant. But then I learned. I learned what he meant and I hate it. I just want my Seán back. I loved him, I still do. But I'm left with this demon. He uses me for fun. I hate it, I hate it so much. But I'm powerless to do anything about it. I'm powerless to do anything against him. So I comply. Makes it easier I guess...


As my thoughts run rampant throughout my mind, I forget about reality and I didn't even realize I stopped kissing him until I feel a sharp sting on my cheek. He slapped me, something I'm quite used to at this point. I close my eyes, listening to him.

"Why the hell did you stop?" He asks, his voice only slightly different then Seán's. Only slightly... I bite my lip, keeping from saying the wrong thing. "Answer me!" He yells and I can't help it. I speak.

"I want Seán back." I say, my voice wavering. I open my eyes to see Anti practically glowing with anger. He kicks my shin, hard, and punches me in the nose. I fly backwards, off the couch and onto the floor. I groan in pain, the air being knocked out of me as he kicks my stomach. 

"Seán is gone! He's dead! There's no way to bring him back so never, ever, EVER speak his name again!" He yells at the top of his lungs, and I can't help the few tears that come to my eyes. This only causes him to scowl and hit me again. "Stop crying like a weakling!" 

I bite my lip, forcing the tears back. I guess it isn't that bad. I mean, I'm forced to do things I don't want to do but at least the worst he ever does is slap me, in terms of physical violence. He yells though. He yells so much, terrible things. But he's never flat out said something like that before. Seán is dead. It just now registers in my mind and I can't stop the tears this time.

Anti scowls, and roughly grabs my wrist. He drags me out of the living room, to the basement. There he throws me in a chair and cuffs my wrists to it, along with my ankles. I struggle, I try to get out of the restraints. But it's pointless. I've only been down here once, and it was when Anti needed to get something and didn't wanna risk me booking it.

It's a torture chamber now, instead of the storage space it was before Anti. There's nothing but weapons, tools, this chair, and multiple other random things. Almost anything down here can be used to hurt, kill, torture. And the fact that I'm the one tied to the chair, is not a good sign for me. 

"What are you gonna do to me? Why am I restrained?" I ask, hesitant. Do I really want to know the answer. Anti just chuckles and turns around with a piece of fabric in his hands. He walks up to me and boops my nose.

"Oh Marki. You never learn." And with that he puts the fabric in my mouth, gagging me. I stare at him wide eyed as he walks to his table of his favorite torture devices. He sighs before continuing. "I'm tired of you. All you want is Seán. Seán this, Seán that. But Seán is dead. Gone. Never to return." 

He chuckles, turning around with a knife in hand. My breathing becomes irregular, as I start shaking and I want to scream. I want to scream for help but I know that no one would hear me. No one ever hears me... 

"No. I don't want you." He bends down, only inches from my face. "I want Dark." He hisses and I shake my head. I don't have a demon in my head. Dark is made up! Always has been, always will be! Surely Anti knows that... Or... Maybe I'm wrong... He backs up and kneels down in front of me, staring me in the eye. Then he stabs my foot. I scream, the gag muffling it. The pain is unbearable.

"But to get Dark, you need to be weak. Very weak. Both physically, and mentally. So guess what?" He chuckles, pulling the knife out and making me scream again. Then he whispers, his voice deep, evil, and it sends shivers up my spine. "We're gonna have a lot of fun this afternoon." 

And with that the torture begins.


(Anti's P.O.V.)

I frown at the bloodied man in front of me. Mark is weak, that's for sure. But Dark isn't coming out. Why? I go up to Mark, forcing him to look at me by grabbing his chin and turning it to me. I look in his eyes and I see it. Hope. He still has hope? How? 

"Just die already." I growl and he shakes his head.

"Seán's still there. He has to be. It's the only reason you haven't killed me yet." He says, coughing afterwards. I let go of his head and he immediately looks down again, eyes closed. No. Seán is dead. I killed him on Halloween. And if the only way Mark will realize that is by me killing him... So be it. 

"Fine. You're so sure?" I ask and I go behind him, my trusty knife still in hand. "Let's see how much hope you have after this." And with that I bring my knife to his neck, and I slit his throat. Just like I did to Seán. If Dark does awake, he'll have a scar like me. But hey, we can be twins. 

Mark's head rolls back, blood seeping from the wound. I bring my knife to my face, looking at it. The dark red blood drips from it, making me smile slightly. I go and stand in front of Mark, watching him intently as I lick the blood off the knife. I'm hungry; what can I say? I watch the corpse. And I watch. And I watch.

Until finally he twitches. I smirk, putting my knife on the table behind me. "Come on Darky... Come on..." I say, impatient. I hate waiting. I don't want to wait for Dark anymore. I never did. But I thought I'd spare Mark. At least, until he became an annoying little bitch that couldn't shut the fuck up.

He twitches again and that's it. Until he snaps his head up, eyes pure black. He breaks the cuffs on his wrists, following soon after with the ones on his ankles. I smile as he smirks, walking up to me and kissing me roughly. Oh, how I've wished for this. Mark just couldn't do it. No matter how much I tried, he was never Dark. When Dark pulls away, we're both smirking.

"Anti... How I've wanted to see you. But did you really have to slit Mark's throat?" He asks and I chuckle.

"Only way to get rid of his hope baby. But you know what? Who cares? We're together now, we can kill together now, and that's all that matters." I say and he chuckles, his deep voice making me tingle.

"Damn right." And with that we kiss again, roughly. And as we kiss I can hear the faint screaming of both Mark and Seán, screaming to get back in control, to stop us. But I don't care. Cause they're both dead, and Dark and I are together, and like I said before... That's all that matters. Are the demons inside.

A/N: I don't know what this was so don't ask me. But I liked it. I mean, it was... Interesting to say the least. I hope you enjoyed it. Yeah. <3

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