Fake Smile, Real Love

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A/N: No clue why I'm so obsessed with Dark x Jack  (*cough*@PricklyTrash*cough*) but hey, it's fun to write.

(Seán's P.O.V.)

I knew something was wrong the moment he showed up. Well, technically he didn't show up to the party. It was Mark. Or more appropriately, "Mark". Now, I had no clue why he was impersonating Mark, but he was. And let me say, I was pissed off he didn't tell me about it before. I mean, he's kept secrets before. But impersonating my best friend? 

It wasn't even a party. It was a gathering for some friends. I mean, it was run by Felix so it was more party like then it probably should have been, but whatever. There were drinks, snacks, lights, music. The whole shebang, but this is Felix so who was really surprised? And of course, friends. There were so many friends...

Felix, Marzia, Ken, Mary, Bob, Wade, Molly and Mandy, Ethan, Tyler, Matt, Mat, AJ, Peter, Nate, and more. Cry even showed up on screen for a little bit, joining us in a Skype call since he doesn't show up in person. And then Mark arrived, and no one suspected a thing. But I knew better. I acted like I didn't, but I could see it in his eyes that he knew I knew. 

After all, I spend so much time with him I don't know how I wouldn't tell. I just wish he gave me a little warning. After all, I did end up spilling my drink on Ken after crushing my red solo cup, I was so surprised. And you can't blame me. After all, it's not everyday your boyfriend walks in pretending to be your best friend, right?


"Dark I swear to fucking god you better explain right fucking now." I say, not even trying to be friendly to the demon I call mine. He holds his hands up in defense, before turning towards the bathroom and sighing. He stops in front of the mirror, not saying anything as he takes the brown colored contact out, revealing his bright red eyes. "Dark..."

"Mark asked me to, alright? I couldn't say no." 

"Why not?! Where the hell is he?! And why didn't you give me some sort of warning!" I yell, crossing my arms. He looks at me with a slight frown, before smirking slightly as he stares at me.

"You're cute when you're angry." He compliments me, like he usually does. A slight blush reaches my cheeks but I huff, shaking my head.

"Don't fucking change the subject trying to compliment me. Answer the goddamn questions!" I'm to pissed to even try to be nice. Dark clasps his hands behind his back, biting his lip slightly. 

"Listen, you have a right to be pissed. I didn't handle this well. But it was a last minute thing, I had no time to warn you or prepare at all really." He says, shrugging. I let out a breath of annoyance, sitting down on the bed. I'm in Mark's house now, seeing as Dark was a little to concerned about me driving home since I'm a little tipsy. 

"Well where the hell did the real Mark go?" I ask, staring at the demon with disappointment and no amusement. He frowns, staring at the ground. It's silent, as he doesn't want to tell me. I know there was always a secret behind Mark, and I understand privacy and all, but this is just to weird. 

Every once and a while Dark will pretend to be Mark for a little bit if Mark needs a break or something, but just doing it out of the blue like this? He always tells me beforehand, so I have a little bit of warning. After all, I'm the only one that can see the difference between the two. Hell, besides Mark himself I'm the only one that even knows Dark exists. And Mark doesn't even know I know about Dark! 

Dark finally sighs, sitting down next to me. He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers as he stares at the comforter. "Mark and I are opposites. You know that, right?" I nod in response, knowing that the chances of them having anything in common are basically nothing.  "And I'm a demon..."

"Are you implying that Mark is an angel?" I ask, not believing it, and yet knowing it makes total sense. I always thought he was a little to perfect... Dark nods slowly, shrugging slightly.

"He was called up for some sort of meeting. Last minute, couldn't get out of it. So I'm stuck being him for a month." He says then, looking at me with a very unamused smile. My eyes widen and I stutter constantly. 

"A month?!" I ask and he nods, obviously not pleased with it either. I'm only upset about it because it means that he'll be busy as hell living Mark's normal schedule. Dark isn't used to that kind of shit, so he's going to have practically zero time for me. Doesn't help that he's been on Earth so long he actually needs sleep...

"I hate it too. But we'll live. And then Mark will come back, we can finally tell him about this, and hopefully he won't send me back to hell. Cause he has the power to do that." He chuckles, and I shrug, putting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes, sighing. 

"I just want you to spend all of your time with me." I grumble, sounding like a child but I really don't care. Dark has spent so much time making plans and doing business we haven't been together as often. And it sucks. He chuckles, the sound, though menacing, somehow lulling me even closer to sleep. I feel a soft kiss being placed on my head and he sighs. 

"I just want to spend time with you too Seán." 

And so we just sit there, together, in each others embrace, quietly talking about how the next month will go. 

A/N: idk what this was. this was me being bored. yeah. expect at least one more dark x jack. i got lazy with caps and spelling, sorry. see ya later guys <3

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