Bubblegum Bitch

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(Seán's P.O.V.)

I lean closer to the mirror as I apply some makeup to my waterline, trying to make my eyes pop more and also to make it more dramatic when I start crying at school. After all, my last boyfriend just broke up with me last night. I have to play the part that I actually care that he left, right? At school I'm known as the sweet, innocent little pastel boy. But any ex of mine knows that's a lie.

They also know that no one would believe them if they try to tell people what I'm really like, so they don't try. They just break up with me when they're done with my antics, and then it gives them a bad rep because it makes it look like they just used me for sex when it was really the other way around. Yeah I admit it, I'm a slut. But whatever. 

As I apply makeup and do my hair I think about the possible next boyfriend. Mark Fischbach. A jock on the football team, but apparently I real sweetheart. Plus he looks hot as hell, and strong as hell. That could be really nice... I've been watching him lately, and it really seems like he might like me. Maybe I can guilt trip him into it... Maybe, just maybe...

I step back and look at my figure in the mirror. I'm wearing white jeans, some white boots, a pastel pink sweater, some makeup, and a light blue flower crown. I frown a bit, staring specifically at my lips. I need some more color... I grab one of my many lipsticks and apply a small amount, making them look slightly sugar pink. I stare at the container, noticing it has a little bit of flavoring. Great.

With a smirk I grab my pink backpack and head out to school, already ready for my plan and starting the tears as soon as I get on the bus.


I know it's already worked the moment I walk off the bus, my makeup already slightly smudged and tears still running down my cheeks at slow speeds. I see Mark staring at me near the entrance of the school, and when I see my newly ex boyfriend walk off the other bus I make sure I cry more. I slowly walk towards the building, seeing Mark trail me out of my peripheral vision. I so badly want to smirk but I don't. It's working...

I walk into the closest bathroom, the tears turning to sobs as I fake it for what has to be the fourth time now. And sure enough, Mark comes walking in right after me. It's just the two of us, and he stares at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly, and I shake my head wildly, wrapping my arms around him in a "desperate search for comfort", but really I just want to know what those arms feel like. He immediately wraps his arms around me as well and I smirk slightly, knowing he can't see me. 

"No! My boyfriend broke up with me last night!" I cry harder, and he doesn't say anything but whisper sweet nothings in my ear, an attempt to calm me down. In a couple minutes I'm finished crying, just sniffling slightly instead. "Thank you..." I whisper, taking my arms away from him, knowing he'll be hugging me soon again anyways.

He nods, smiling softly. "You're welcome. That guy was probably a dick anyways." He says, making me chuckle. I look in the mirror then, pretending to be shocked with how bad my makeup is. 

"Oh no!" I say, frowning. "I look terrible!" 

I see Mark frown in the mirror and he shakes his head, coming up behind me. "You could never look terrible." He says it with so much confidence I'm shocked. I turn around, and he puts his hands on my hips. "You're always perfect." 

And with that he kisses me softly, and I kiss him back, putting my arms around his neck. And we just stand there, kissing and kissing. And finally I pull back, knowing fully well that in only a month or two he'll be breaking up with me as well and the whole charade will start again.

"You're perfect too." I say and he smiles, putting his forehead to mine. "But I need to fix my makeup." He nods, and decides to help me out. And the whole time I form plans in my mind, plans of what may happen and what can happen. Then I get an idea... "Can you come over later?" 

And of course, his face lights up and he agrees. Perfect...


Mark and I sit on my bed, just talking. But that talking turns to kissing, and then there's just kissing and complimenting. It only takes moments for Mark's hands to start roaming my body, making me shiver under the cool touch. 

"You have a figure like a doll, candy bear." He says, using an overly cheesy nickname though I can't help but like hearing it from him. 

"Thank you. You have the perfect body though." I say and he chuckles, kissing me harder. I feel kind of bad knowing that I'll eventually just throw him out like the rest. He'll be nothing but a toy to me after a while. At least, that's how it's always been with the others. 

"I'd die for you." He says then and my cheeks go red. No one has said that to me before. That's really weird, and... Makes me feel really nice. And then he lays me down and my mind goes back to the same place it was before. And we just lay there, him on top of me, my arms around his neck as his hands go up and down my body. 

And then in an instant I switch our positions, pinning him to the bed with a lust filled smirk, my flower crown unceremoniously falling off my head as I tear my sweater off and his shirt off. Then I start kissing him again, hard. It isn't until we're both practically gasping for breath that I back off for a minute, straddling his hips. He chuckles lowly, running a hand through my hair.

"You are not as innocent as you make yourself out to be..." He says and I smirk. 

"You're only now coming to that conclusion?" And he laughs, shaking his head. 

"I can't tell if I like it or not." He admits and my smirk grows. I kiss him softly, pulling back only slightly. 

"Like it while you got it baby." 


Mark and I have been dating for two months, and surprisingly it's only gone as far as sex twice. I think that's a new record for least amount of times. But even more surprisingly is that he hasn't gotten tired of me, at all. And I haven't grown tired of him. Outside of our houses I'm still the innocent boy I pretended to be, but I've found myself acting like that more even at home.

I don't really know what was happening at first, but I've accepted it now. I've fallen in love with Mark Fischbach. I've actually fallen in love. Somehow. Damn... Right now Mark and I are just at my house, kissing softly. It hasn't gone far, and I don't really want it too. I'm fine with the sweet love, and sweet nothings. I'm fine with the cute nicknames, and the pure adoration. I'm fine with the love, and for once I don't want the lust.

But I can't be perfect. I'm still craving him, of course, I always do. But it isn't the top priority. Hell, half the time it doesn't even cross my mind. But for once, I don't want to have fun and then drop it. I want to actually love this boy and be with him. I lay him down and kiss his jaw softly, before just laying on top of him and snuggling into his chest.

"I love you so much." I whisper and I can hear Mark's heart quicken. 

"You love me?" He asks then and my eyes go wide as I realize that that's the first time I've ever said that sentence. Those three words. But I nod, tears coming to my eyes. 

"I do." And he chuckles, putting his hand on my cheek.

"I love you too." He says then I smile, kissing him softly once more before pulling away.

"I'll always be your bubblegum bitch." 

"Damn straight." 

A/N: I got bored.

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