Baby It's Cold Outside

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A/N: Art Credit: Shuploc - DeviantArt

(Mark's P.O.V.)

"Well Mark it's been really nice. But I should go." Seán sighs, standing from the couch and heading over towards the door. He grabs his hat and jacket from the closet, putting them on with a smile. "I promise I'll come back for New Years." 

I frown a bit. I don't want him to go yet. We've had such a good time today, and I really want to continue having a good time with him. It's two days till Christmas too, which means a whole week until he'll come over again. I don't wanna go that long. Not without making the night memorable (and not in that way you perverted freaks (maybe)).

"Wait, Seán." I say and he turns, looking at me with a curious expression. I smile, chuckling slightly. "It's really cold out there." He rolls his eyes.

"Yes, I know. I have a coat and I really need to go." He says, ready to leave already. I shake my head, desperately trying to get him to stay.

"I was really hoping you'd be able to come over today and I was really happy you could so thanks." I say, trying to strike up some sort of conversation while I thought of a plan. I walk up to him, taking his hand and leading him from the door. 

"You're welcome." He chuckles and I stare at his hands.

"Geez, your hands are like ice. Here." I say, holding both of his hands in mine, seeing as my hands were warm from being in the kitchen for so long. He glances at the door.

"Mark, Ma and Dad are probably worried. My phone died and they were expecting me a little while ago." He says, bouncing on his toes. 

"But I have a fireplace, it's snowing, just stay for a bit longer until it calms down." I say, begging practically. He rolls his eyes again and sighs.

"Fine, one more hot chocolate and then I'm going." He says sternly and my eyes light up, my smile appearing on my face quickly.

"Awesome. You put some Christmas music on, I'll get the cocoa." I say, heading to the kitchen. In only a minute I hear the beginning of Baby It's Cold Outside. I laugh at the irony. It's practically what's happening now. I pour two things of hot chocolate, one for me and one for Seán. I add a bit of marshmallow cream to both of ours, before heading back to the living room to see Seán still in his coat and hat. 

"Thank you!" He says, reaching out for the drink like a little kid. My smile widens and I hand him the drink, in which he immediately takes a sip. 

"Do you have a car?"  I ask. He shakes his head, while drinking still. "So you're walking?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I was planning on calling a cab." He says. I frown.

"In this storm? There'll be no cabs. Absolutely none." I say and he shrugs.

"Okay, then I'll walk." He says and I huff.

"But it's cold!" He just rolls his eyes at this, and stares at the hot cocoa.

"What the hell did you put in this? It's delicious!" He yells, taking another sip. I laugh, his energy and giggliness rubbing off on me. 

"Marshmallow cream." I say simply and he stares at me wide eyed.

"I need some of that. Like, as soon as I go back to Ireland I am running to the store and buying some." He says sternly, taking yet another drink. My smile falters at that. That's right... He's going back after New Years. I snap out of my stupor to once again realize he still has his jacket on.

"Here, lemme take your coat." I say and he shrugs, standing and taking it off, handing it to me. 

"Thank you Mark." He smiles and I nod, hanging it back up in the closet. "This has been a lot of fun. Grand. Amazing. Any word you can use to describe it." 

"I know, isn't it?" I ask, going and sitting down next to him. It's silent for a minute as he drinks. 

"All of my family is home. My sisters, brothers. They're probably wondering where I am too." Seán says softly and I nod slowly, still staring at him. Or more specifically, his lips. The ones I want to kiss. YES I have a crush on him. And I so want to kiss him...

"Please stay." I say, and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Wait, what?" He asks. I chuckle. Obviously, he was oblivious to all of these tries to keep him here.

"You can use my phone and call them. It's just... I don't want to be alone. I want you to stay here, overnight if you'd like. So please. Stay." I say, and he smiles, putting down his mug with a sigh.

"I really should say no." He starts and my face falls. However his smile widens and scoots just a bit closer to me. "But baby, it's cold outside." He sings softly and my eyes widen. He just called me baby? I know it's the song but... Still... 

He kisses my cheek softly, chuckling at the redness creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks. Then he leans back and nods. 

"I will gladly stay overnight baby." That time it wasn't part of the song. I smile and nod, handing him my phone and watching as he goes to a different room to call his family. As soon as he's out of the room, I start silently celebrating and giggling softly. 

A/N: Day four!!!! I'm so excited for tomorrows cause it's gonna be so CUTE! AGH! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this one! Fun fact: This is my favorite Christmas song ever. =) <3 

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