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A/N: BTW, the song has nothing to do with the actual one-shot itself, but it was the inspiration for this topic.

(Mark's P.O.V.)

I sigh, staring at my computer screen as I scroll through page after page, website after website. I was just watching YouTube when this YouTuber I used to watch uploaded again, and it was a remix of a song that had been uploaded over four years ago. And so I watched it and it just sent me on a nostalgia trip.

It's amazing what's changed in four years. Of course, five years ago was when everything really changed. That was when my father passed away, my brother moved, my girlfriend broke up with me, I dropped out of college. Everything changed. But in the last four years, I swear even more has changed.

Not only have I changed as a person, but everything's changed. My videos, my personality, my life. For one, I figured out I was bi. That was a shocker to everyone. I moved on from certain games, and moved onto other ones. I stopped playing with some friends to play with others. Overall, I've just moved on from a lot of my life.

And I never really realized before today just how much has changed, and just how different everything is. But one thing that keeps nagging at me is the one person I lost over the last four years. My best friend, and boyfriend until we broke up.

Seán was my best friend, we had became friends when we started YouTube and continued talking for years. Eventually we started dating, he even stayed out here for a while. But then we went to long distance and it all went to hell. I don't know what happened, but he started being a jerk. We would argue about everything, he hated all of my new friends, he wouldn't let me speak.

We fell apart really quickly. And I was devastated, but I gave him chance after chance. So after a while I just cut it off, blocked him on everything, told him to leave me alone. I was happy for a while, if not a bit sad. I wasn't arguing every day, I wasn't afraid to go on Skype anymore. But on the other hand, I just lost my best friend and my boyfriend.

Who really knows what to do when something like that happens? And then one thing after another, and every once and a while something would come up that would be like "Seán and  I would always talk about that" or "I hope Seán knows that". And that's why he's stuck on my brain through this nostalgia trip, because I shared so much with him.

We would always play certain games together, just the two of us hanging out. Every once and a while someone else would join, but generally it was just us. And now I almost never play those games anymore. Not because he left, but because all my other friends don't want to play anymore and... Well I don't play games that much on my own nowadays. 

We would talk about certain YouTubers and make conspiracy theories, and now some of these YouTubers are falling apart and the theories are either coming true or being debunked. And it's almost been a year, really it has, but I can't help but want to talk to him again. Just to see.

I don't know. That's not the only nostalgic thing though. Some of my old work has come up, and I've been thinking about it. Videos that I hadn't watched in forever, back when I first had that crappy screen recorder, I found on a hard drive and watched them. Most of them had Seán in them...

Things that I used to be a part of, fandoms that I'd actively join, have come up in my brain and I just wonder why I ever fell out of it. Why I ever fell into the fandoms I'm currently in, and all that. I sometimes wonder exactly how much I've changed and whether as much of it was as good as I thought. 

There's just a lot to think about. A lot on my mind, especially since everything's been really broken lately. My friends and I aren't talking as much, my family is kind of falling apart, things are getting tough financially. Everything is taking a turn for the worse. I sigh, putting my hand to my head as I stare at my computer screen, staring at the song I've been listening to on loop for hours.

Maybe I could message him. Maybe I could message Seán. I know he feels bad, I know he's been trying to get ahold of me. Maybe I can just... Try. Ah, fuck it.

I quickly get Skype open and go to my blocked list, smiling slightly when I see his all to familiar logo. He hasn't changed it. Not surprised... With one last sigh I unblock him, and when I see he's online, I call. And when his face shows up on screen, I don't regret anything. 

A/N: I don't know what this was. In case you guys couldn't tell with the last few one-shots, I've been thinking about a lot of serious stuff. I've finally had a chance to think, and so I'm taking it and I'm thinking a lot. Don't know if that's good or not =P 

Anyways, hope you all are doing well and have happy holidays! I'll probably update again before Christmas, but I don't know what. We'll see if I can come up with something. Night guys =) <3

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