The Best People Are Crazy

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A/N: So real quick, this is actually inspired by @maydayhaybay 's Markiplier In Wonderland. As in, it's based off the same video and they sing the same song. The rest of it is entirely me, but I felt I should give credit where credit is due. Also, check out Page250 Jane on YouTube. She makes some really cool edits, including this one. Enjoy!

P.S: Italics are song lyrics =)

(Mark's P.O.V.)

It was a normal day. I was goofing off with a friend of mine outside. I... I got stuck in a tree. I couldn't climb down, even though I'm already twenty-six. He went to get something to help. And I fell... But I didn't hit the ground. I just kept falling and falling and falling. Until finally I just blacked out. I don't know why I kept falling, or how. All I know is now...

I'm in a large meadow, the sky above me dark and yet not a cloud in the sky. The only thing around besides grass is a forest about twelve yards away. I have no clue where I am, or where I should go. I just know I wanna get home. I sigh, looking around more. Searching for something, anything, indicating where I am. But there's nothing.

Guess that would be to lucky, huh? Where do I go? What do I do? I don't necessarily feel like going into the even darker forest. That's surely going to spell out disaster. But where else is there to go? Farther into the meadow? Maybe if I go the opposite way of the forest I'll find something else... Well! Worth a try. I turn and start walking when...

"My friends don't walk they run, Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun, Popping popping balloons with guns, Getting high off of helium..."

Singing. Soft, beautiful, singing. With a slight accent. Now, as to what accent it is I do not know. But it's... Entrancing. And coming from the forest. I immediately turn, hoping for more to lead me in the right direction. My wish comes true.

"We paint white roses red, Each shade from a different persons head, This dream, Dream is a killer, Getting drunk with a blue caterpillar..."

I start running towards the forest. And soon I'm in the dark. I keep heading towards where I last heard the voice, running over logs and under low hanging branches. I have to divert my path sometimes if a tree is in my way. And soon I'm very, very lost. I have no clue where the voice came from anymore...

"I'm peeling the skin off my face, Cause I really hate being safe, The normals they make me afraid, The crazies they make me feel sane..."

The voice is louder, and just as beautiful. I can't explain it. It's like... It's like a drug. I just want more. I can make out the accent a bit better and I recognize it as Irish. A very cute Irish accent. The voice came from my left so I turn and start running that way.

"I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad, The craziest friend that you've ever had..."

I'm getting closer...

"You think I'm psycho, You think I'm gone, Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong..."

Even closer...

"Over the bend, entirely bonkers, You like me best when I'm off my rocker..."

More! I want to hear more!

"Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed, So what if I'm crazy? The best people are..."

And that's when I run through the bushes, and I stop, frozen. I finally found the voice. I found him. He's sitting at the head of a long dinner table, teacups and plates set out but not a single speck of food to be found. There's a teapot next to him, presumably holding tea. But it isn't the table I stare at. It's him.

He's staring at the teacup in his hands, a ghost of a smile on his lips. His hair is brown and bright green on top. His eyes are a vibrant blue that captures my attention. His skin is milky white, and he looks around my age. He's wearing a long dark green trench coat, unbuttoned to show a black button up shirt. He wears multicolored suspenders and black dress pants. He has brown leather boots on, his feet kicked up on the table.

He also has a black top hat with a green ribbon tied around it and a red feather tucked into said ribbon. A nice hat indeed. He looks away from the tea cup then and looks at me. I wave a slight bit. He throws the cup onto the ground, it shattering into hundreds of tiny bits. Then he jumps out of his seat and onto the table, walking across it. He walks across plates, breaking them, and knocks over tea cups with his heavy tread.

Then he jumps off the top of the table, right in front of me. He bends down, bowing. He takes off his hat, tipping it. Then he stands up straight, and puts his hat back on. He smiles at me, a smile that spells out crazy. Madness. And he sings loud and clear in that beautiful voice that lead me here.

"All the best people are crazy... All the best people are..."

"Welcome to my tea party Mark."

A/N: Again, I have no clue what this is. So... Yeah. Don't ask. Also, it's short, and kinda sucks. But whatever. I enjoyed writing it and I'm sure some of you will enjoy reading it! And that's all that matters. =) See you later guys!

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