White Christmas

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(Seán's P.O.V.)

I huff, falling onto the bed as I stare at the window, frowning. I love that I moved out here to LA, but I hate that it almost never snows. Now, true, it almost never snowed in Ireland either. But at least out there, there was easy access to snowy mountains. There isn't easy access to snowy mountains in the heart of LA.

I hear a chuckle behind me and I arch my neck to see Mark approaching me, shaking his head a bit. He flops down on the bed across from me so his head is next to mine and he stares at me with those brown eyes I love. I frown still, even as he starts playing with my hair.

"I want a white Christmas." I huff and he laughs a bit, shaking his head.

"Angel, you know it doesn't snow out here. I'm sorry." He says, looking legitimately sincere. But I decide to be childish anyways and cross my arms.

"I want a white Christmas like when I was a kid. I want Santa to bring me a white Christmas." I'm arguing like a five year old, but I don't care. If anything, I'm a little homesick. Mark smiles, cupping my face in his hands.

"Well, you've got three minutes till Christmas day. Maybe Santa will hear you." He says jokingly, and this actually gets me to smile a bit. I punch his arm playfully.

"Hardy-har-har." I mock and he sticks his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes and go back to pouting right after. "No, but seriously. Every Christmas card I wrote I was secretly hoping that I would look out the window and there'd be snow." 

"I know baby." He speaks softly, making his voice deeper. I smile softly, giving him an eskimo kiss. 

"I know you're trying your best. And you know that I'm glad I moved out here. I'm just kind of upset I can't be with my family I guess... As much as I love you." I say and he nods, turning around so he can properly hug me. 

"I know angel, and I am trying. We can just sit here and cuddle and watch Christmas movies though, okay?" I nod, and snuggle into his chest, hugging him tighter. I love his warm hugs. I feel like they can always make the pain go away, no matter what's happening. 

"I can't wait to give you my present." I say and he chuckles, rubbing his hand up and down my back in a soothing matter.

"I can't wait either. I think you'll really like your present." He says and I smile, nodding, but my mind still can't get off of the "no snow" thing. 

"What will the children think?" 

Mark looks at me with confusion at this, an eyebrow raised and a slightly concerned look on his face.

"In case you didn't realize, we don't have kids Seán." He chuckles and I hit him playfully. 

"Not our non-existent kids, goof. I meant the kids across the street. They were so excited, saying that they wanted to make a path in the snow for Santa, and that they'd listen for the sleigh-bells." I trail off, knowing that at some point in my life I've thought the exact same way. Mark shrugs, hugging me again.

"I don't know. But their Christmas will still be merry and bright, just like ours."  He says and then looks over at the clock, smiling. "Speaking of, Merry Christmas angel." 

I kiss his nose, and then his lips, lingering for only a second before pulling away and looking into his eyes. 

"Merry Christmas to you too Marki." I hum and he chuckles, playing with my hair. And we just stare at each other, happy to be in one another's company. Even though I do miss my family, and Ireland, I'm happy to be here with him. I don't deserve such a wonderful human being.

"Hey Seán..." He whispers and I raise a brow. He nods towards the window. "Santa heard you."

My eyes widen and I leap out of bed, almost hitting Mark in the process. I stare out the window, a large grin on my face as snow comes barreling down. I'm getting my white Christmas. I'm gonna see the snow and kick it away from me as we walk outside. Maybe I can even get Mark to take me sledding somewhere... 

I squeal, turning and jumping onto Mark (who had just sat back up), causing us both to tumble to the bed. I start kissing him like mad, all over his face, before just settling on his lips. He happily kisses me back, letting me lay on top of him as we kiss, and kiss. And it's nothing to deep, nothing to lustful, just a sweet kiss to share on this wonderful Christmas day. 

"I love you so much." I whisper, kissing him once again before pulling away for good. And he smiles back, nodding.

"And I love you too. I hope we can always have white Christmas's like this." He says and I nod, laying down beside him as we just look out the window, staring at the snow falling onto the ground. This really truly be the best Christmas ever. Especially since I plan on proposing to him later. This lovely, lovely human being. Truly, the best white Christmas ever.

A/N: Short and sweet. But here you go! Merry Christmas all of you! No clue if I'll post before New Years, but in case not, Happy New Years as well! I hope everyone has a fun time with family, friends, and if you're celebrating alone, I hope you have a wonderful time as well. Happy Holidays to everyone! <3 =)

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