Blood And Tears

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(Seán's P.O.V.)

It's just a normal day of recording for me. Record some videos, make some thumbnails, reply to some comments. All good. The last week actually has been just normal. With me doing my videos, Mark doing his videos, and then both of us just hanging out afterwards, it's nice. 

Oh yeah! I moved in with Mark a while ago (like, four months ago), so now after we're both done recording we get to hang out and play games and watch movies together and what not. It's really nice, especially since we end up constantly sharing the one room. I mean, I have my own room but it's nice snuggling up next to him at night. And then waking up next to him. I love it.

And my YouTube channel is going great. We're head strong at 15 million, Mark's at 17 million. And the community was so supportive when we came out, and when we decided to move in together. Hell, they were even more ecstatic then we were I think. But hey, that's what I expected considering they've been shipping us for... Four years? I think? Something like that.

I sigh, having just finished a Happy Wheels episode. My voice is somewhat raw, but that's probably from screaming my head off for the last two hours of recording. Who said YouTube was an easy job? I go to Skype and send the video files to Robin (my editor), and after a quick conversation we both go to do some more work.

Well, I'm actually done recording. I just want to go hang out with Mark (who finished about an hour ago). I run my hand through my hair before returning it to my computer mouse, working on closing all of my windows for recording and stuff. And that's when I notice... My hand is extremely pale. I mean, way more then usual. 

I frown and stop closing windows, inspecting my hand more. My other hand seems just as pale. It isn't even a pale more as it is a gray. Ashen I guess is the best way to explain it. Huh. Weird. I continue closing out windows, ignoring it for now. I'm sure it's fine. I bite my lip, suddenly getting nauseous. Not super nauseous but mildly so. Maybe I'm sick. It would suck if I was, I hate being sick. But it would explain a lot.

I stand, finishing fixing the rest of the room. I did a VR video today so I had to put the mattresses up again and stuff. I put them back in the corner of the room, ready to be used for another day when I suddenly taste an... Iron like taste in my mouth. I frown. I know this taste. It's... Blood. Why do I taste blood? I cough into my arm, like I usually do. But not like normal...

I pull my arm away to see blood now spotting my sleeve. My eyes widen slightly and I go over to my desk, getting a tissue and coughing into that. Sure enough, I pull it away to even more blood. Why am I coughing up blood? What is wrong with me? Ugh. I should really go down and talk to Mark. He can help. 

I start heading towards the door when a major wave of nausea washes over me, making me go back over to my desk and sit down. I groan softly, trying to not throw up. However it's proving difficult with how nauseous I'm feeling. It takes a minute but eventually it calms down and I'm able to get back up. I head towards the door when I suddenly stop do to a Skype notification. 

I go back to my desk (for the third time) and I open Skype up. Oh. It was Robin. I check the notification. "Hey dude! I decided to try something new! You like it?" I open up the attached file and I see it's a clip from one of the videos I sent him yesterday. I start watching it and I notice the new edits he made, and indeed I do like them. I smile and start to reply back when suddenly...

I feel something drip down my cheek. I narrow my eyes. Something like a tear in dripping down my right cheek. But I'm not crying. And it's thicker than a tear. Now it's dripping down my left cheek too. What the hell? I go to my face cam recorder and look at the preview, my eyes widening. Oh my god...

My face is very pale, and very ashen. My eyes are dark, almost black. And there's blood dripping from my eye. Both of my eyes. Just tracks of blood, as if I was crying. I don't hesitate to stand up, making me incredibly dizzy. But instead of the dizziness going away, it stays. But it doesn't change my current goal.

I walk to the door clumsily, walking out and to the stairs. I stumble down the stairs, trudging into the living room. I know Mark hears me because he turns from his spot on the couch and looks at me with a smile. But that smile goes away in a flash and he comes over to me, eyes wide. That's when my legs decide to give out and I fall to the ground. Mark catches me though and stares at me.

"Oh my god... Seán, what is going on?" He asks. I look up at him, begging him with my eyes for help, any help.

"I don't know. Help, please." I say, my voice weak and scared. He shakes his head slowly. 

"I don't know what to do. Is this blood?" He asks, wiping at some of the blood coming from my eyes. This makes his eyes go wider some how, and it doesn't help when I start coughing. I look down, blood pouring from my mouth as I cough and cough. I stop eventually, but not before there's a small pool of blood on the ground in front of me.

"Oh my god, Mark..." I say it softly. More blood pours from my eyes. Tiny drops drip from my mouth. I shake my head slowly.

"Seán, angel, you're gonna be okay. Okay? I promise. I... I... I'm gonna call an ambulance." He says, trying not to panic and failing miserably. My vision starts going blurry and I nod, the blood still coming. My fingernails start bleeding as well. What the hell is going on? 

"Mark...I..." I can't speak anymore as my mouth fills with blood and I have to spit it all out onto the floor in front of me. "I can't... I can't feel anymore..." I say as my entire body seems to go numb. I can just barely feel Mark's touch.

"Oh my god. Seán? Seán, stay with me. Come on. Stay awake! Seán!" Mark's voice becomes distant and my vision becomes black. 

"I love you." I whisper before I can't do anything else and I lose consciousness.

A/N: I don't know what this is so don't ask me, okay? I just got this idea and I was like "Sure! I'll write that!". I don't know, I think it's good. I like it. BTW, Jack is okay in the end. Like, he doesn't die or anything. I don't know what exactly happened to him 

(m̶̫̹̼͙͎͎̺̩͖͙̋̍̓̀̈́͊̑̏̚a̶̫̞̯̺̟͙̫̣̝͎̐͊̇̇́̂͡ẙ̵̢̡̦̖̠̘͚̠͍̩͆̓̾͠͡b̛̖̹̰̻͔̰͐͑͐́̚̕͜͝ę̶̱͍͉̎̽͒̔̾̈́͜ A̢̢̨̠͍͇̫̭̒̍̒̽̊͊̈́̕n̨̛̹͇̦̠̖̺̪͔͚͛͌͛̀̊̊̕̚͝t̶̗̫͇̦͚̄̄̀̿̉ͅí̸̭̫̰͈̖̤̖̖̭̖́̊͆̿̑̀͊͛͠ t̸̛̝͉̼̠̣͖̝̭̟̍̓̉͗́́͛͜͡o̴͍̭̦͇͇̳̝̅̓̒̽̇̓̾ǫ̛̼̙̖̰̫̀̑͛̃̐̂̕̚k̸̗̭͉͓̝̒̿̾̇̉̅̽͘͜ ò̶̳͍̼̳̪̦̮͋̆͛̅͘͝v̷̢̰̗̟̭̩͌̓͊̈̚͟e̢͍̲͕̙͓͙͕̟̅͐͗̌͗͊̀͝r̴̨̠̫̞͎̜̝͍͙̟͆̑̋͂͊) but he doesn't die. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed! <3 =)

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