Where Are We Now (A/N)

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Hey guys. At this point I think it's fair to say that I'm just not active. I'll post something every once and a while, but it isn't what the majority of you guys want. This page was built on Septiplier, a fandom I respect but am no longer a part of really. I haven't written anything for it in so long. Of course, all my stories will stay on my page, I will never take them down. But consider my Septiplier reign done.
From now on, if I post anything it will either be original content or Sanders Sides, the two things I've been writing as of late.
But my life has quickly taken a downhill spiral, I've been going to many doctors appointments and school is starting up soon. Not only this but I've genuinely just been unhappy lately, and writing is something I'm still doing but I can't do unless it makes me happy.
I thank you guys for your support, and I hope to see you all around. I love you all <3

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