Experimental Love

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(Seán's P.O.V.)

My name is Seán McLoughlin. Or, as most people know me, Dr. McLoughlin. No, I'm not a doctor like check-ups and stuff. I'm a scientist, hired to study human genetics and how to change them. Now that may sound scary and... Illegal. I can guarantee though no one is getting hurt or experimented on. Though... I'm not sure if it's legal... I hope it is. Or, if it's not, that we have some way to get past it in court...

Anyways, I'm the youngest one here, at age 26, but also one of the smartest. I've been told since a young age that I'm a natural with this kind of stuff, and it's proven to be true with me landing this job at a younger age then anyone here in the history of the corporation.

The corporation I'm talking about is Ren Laboratories, run by Jonathan Ren. Aka, my boss's boss. I work in the human genetics department, as stated earlier, run by Chao-xing Li, aka my boss. Chao-xing is actually a very nice, if not secretive person. Born and raised in China she moved here at age 23 after college to land a job in this division. She succeeded.

My application was more accidental then anything else. I was running to a job interview at a nearby research center, just something local, and one of my copies of my resume fell out of my binder. Chao-xing was nearby, saw it, and almost immediately decided she wanted me for the job. So, seeing as my phone number was on the paper, she called me and offered me the position. I happily accepted.

A lot of the time I work on my own, since I work better alone. But I have a few people I work with occasionally, besides Chao-xing herself. These people are Felix, Wade, Bob and Ken. Each of them are older then me, but only by a year. They're all constantly baffled by my brain, and equally surprised with how much I can goof off and still know more than them.

It's a healthy friendship, the five of us. I enjoy getting to know them. But, like Chao-xing, I constantly feel like they're hiding something from me. You see, all four of them are a rank higher then me when it comes to position, granting them access to more projects and knowledge of the going-ons of the division. I know they wouldn't keep anything from me unless they were told too.

But sometimes I get this weird feeling from them. That whatever they're keeping secret is really... Dark and wrong. But I don't know what it could be. And, honestly, I don't know if I want to know.


Right now I'm just doing what I normally do, which is work and study. I find joy in it, so I don't care about the mass amount of work given to me. It's a fairly quiet day, considering it's the day before Thanksgiving so many people aren't in today. All of my family is out in Ireland though so I don't bother with Holiday's really. I sigh, going back to my work.

When suddenly...

"Seán!" I hear Felix hiss. I whip my head around, jumping a bit when I see Felix right next to me.

"Felix? What the hell? What are you doing?" I ask. Felix grabs my hand and puts a keycard in it.

"There's a door in the back closet, this keycard accesses it. Go there." He whispers, looking around frantically for people. I frown.

"What? What do you mean there's a door? Why are you giving me this keycard?" I ask. He looks at me then, his eyes serious, cold and empty of all emotion pretty much. It's honestly scary.

"Listen to me. You are the only one here who would do anything to fix this. So fix it." I shake my head a bit.

"Fix what?" I ask. He closes my hand around the keycard.

"Please." Is all he says before he dashes away, leaving me and my thoughts and the keycard. Alone. I stare at the keycard with a confused expression. It looks different then all the other keycards around here. Surely it's one only for authorized members, which I am not. I don't think Felix cares though.

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