A Different Masquerade

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This gets a little descriptive with both making out and blood so....You've been warned.

(Seán's P.O.V.)

I frown, slowly following Felix into the club. I already feel incredibly out of place, but I promised him I'd come so I had too. Honestly, the only reason I even agreed to coming is because he said Mark would be here (though the fact that it was a masquerade night made it even better). And that seems petty, but I don't often get to see Mark and I would by lying if I said I didn't have a crush on the man.

The club is dark, with flashing lights lighting up masks left and right. Felix is immediately going to join his friends, leaving me to just stand awkwardly. I have no clue where Mark is in this mess, and I honestly don't even know if I wanna try and find him. Looking around I notice all the different colors and styles, making my dark green suit and bright green mask fit right in. 

Not knowing what else to do I slowly make my way towards the bar, sitting down at an empty stool. I don't order anything, despite the bartender asking, and just watch the many people dancing. That is, until about three guys crowd around me. 

"Hey, look at this cutie. Wonder what he's doing here." My eyes widen a bit and I chuckle, standing up slowly. 

"I, uh... I was invited by my friend. I'm sorry, I'll be going now." I say, starting to walk away when I feel a hand on my wrist. It's a girl, having fought her way through the three guys. Now four people are crowded around me looking at me like their next meal. 

"Aw, why? Come on, stay a little. We'll show you a good time." She giggles, leaning in way to close for my liking. I back away, getting my wrist out of her grip.

"No, seriously, I think I'm gonna go."

Another guy grabs me, making the total five. "But you'll ruin our fun. Come on, we're a good group of people. We'll make you a good guy too." I cringe at his words, knowing the path this is going down and not liking it. I try to get away, but as soon as I do I'm just grabbed by another one of the five. I start to panic a bit when I hear that lovely voice I love oh so much.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I breath a sigh of relief when Mark pushes the group off of me, grabbing my wrist and directing me to go behind him. The girl puts her hands on her hips and licks her lips a bit before speaking.

"He's fresh meat Mark! Let us have our fun!" 

"No. Now scram. If you want fresh meat look somewhere else." The group scoffs and glares at my savior before turning and walking into the crowd. Only then does Mark look at me and I admire his outfit. A nice red long sleeve shirt, with a dark red vest over that. He wears a red devil's mask, and his red hair compliments it all. 

"Thank you so much Mark, I seriously had no clue what to do." I say, chuckling. This is when I notice he isn't smiling, but not frowning either. 

"Come on, I want you to stick with me. I know the owners, so we're gonna go to a back room okay?" He says, not really giving me an option as he grabs my hand and starts walking fairly quickly towards the corner of the large building. My face flushes at the contact but I nod. 

"O-Okay." Is all I stutter, watching as Mark leads me to a small room off to the side of club. When we get inside we can still hear the music, though it's muffled, and the lights are dark. There's no window to the main room so no one will know we're in here, and there are blinds over a window that I assume looks out to somewhere outside. 

"Why are you here?" He asks then, cutting straight to the chase. I frown, taking my hand from him and fiddling. 

"Felix invited me." I say, ducking my head towards the ground though I keep my eyes on him. He sighs, though it sounds more like a growl.

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