A Quiet Night

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

I smile slightly, pressing the spacebar on my laptop to start the playlist on YouTube. It's a simple playlist, one filled with music box covers of some of our favorite songs. I chuckle slightly when I turn to see that Seán has already passed out on the couch, his head resting on the pillow, his knees bent and his toes just under the blanket. It's late, almost midnight, and we've both had exhausting days, so I'm not surprised. 

I walk over and kneel down beside him, resting my chin on the couch as I just look at him, listening to his breathing and his soft little snores. Eventually I reach my hand up and I play with his hair softly, and a smile falls upon his lips. I kiss his lips gently, but he kisses back weakly and softly. I chuckle lowly, pulling away.

"Let's get up to bed, yeah?" I ask softly, and Seán just barely nods his head, his eyes still closed. I know I have no chance of getting him to walk so I just sigh and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll be right back." 

This time he doesn't even respond, so I just stand up and go to my laptop, quickly running it up to the room so our music box will play throughout the night. Then I go back downstairs, and I stand in front of the couch, gently trying to wake Seán up as he has fallen back into a slumber. 

"Angel, wake up for just a minute, okay?" But I get no response, only more snores. I roll my eyes a bit and bend down, putting my arms underneath his back and knees, before slowly lifting him up. In what may be a moment of consciousness, or just pure instinct, he wraps his arms around my neck and snuggles closer to my chest. I smile softly, just staring at my angel in my arms. 

I walk back up the stairs, slowly so as not to fall. In only a few short minutes I'm in the room again, and this time I'm laying Seán down on the bed. I'm glad we already changed into pajamas, because he's not awake enough to do anything let alone get changed. As soon as I lay him down on the bed he sighs in content, and I watch as he moves around a bit, seemingly looking for something.

I climb into bed beside him, and I realize that he was looking for me. His smile widens when his arm wraps around my chest, and he quickly moves over and snuggles into the side of my body. I wrap my arms around him in return, turning on my side so we're both on our sides facing each other. I put my nose to his hair, just breathing in his scent and smiling. 

"I love you angel." I speak softly to him, and he snuggles closer.

"I love ya too." He whispers, voice laced with sleep, accent heavy.

And with that I close my eyes, holding my angel close as we drift off to sleep listening to the music box playing on my laptop.  

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