What Is Love?

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A/N: Last Dark x Jack for now, I swear (you proud PricklyTrash

(Seán's P.O.V.)

"I'm really tired Mark. I think I'm gonna head to bed..." I yawn, though I'm faking it. He can't tell though. After all, I'm to innocent to lie, right? That's what Mark thinks... Mark pauses the game and frowns, staring at his watch. 

"But it's, like, seven o'clock!" He protests, looking at me. I shrug, getting up from the couch and turning towards the stairs.

"And I got up at, like, five! So night!" I chuckle, and though he frowns he bids me goodnight before turning back to his game much sadder than before. I know he doesn't like me just disappearing like that and not staying with him until midnight, but there's something else on my mind right now. Or more appropriately, someone. 

I walk into my bedroom quietly, shutting the door loud enough Mark will hear but not doing anything else. I don't want him to know I'm actually still awake, or he'll get suspicious. After I hear nothing but Mark swearing at the game, I smile and turn, staring at him. He looks so much like Mark, but somehow better. I think his red eyes have something to do with it.

I walk over to him, sitting next to him and putting my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me. "Hey Darky." I whisper, and he chuckles, kissing my hair gently. 

"Hey there Jackaboy." He says back, just as quiet. I look at his suit, picking at some loose strands as I notice a couple new stains.

"Did the deal not go like you wanted?" I ask, and he shakes his head, sighing. 

"No, the idiots tried to kill me instead." He says, and I chuckle, smiling softly and closing my eyes as his embrace gets tighter. 

"Well that was their mistake." I whisper and he nods. It's silent between the two of us. A human and a demon, just the two of us. I move my head off his shoulder and onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The heart that only beats for me. The heart that is dead and silent unless I'm around. It lulls me closer and closer to sleep, as I just sit there listening to it, comfortable against Dark's chest. And then, he speaks. 

"How do you love me?" He asks then, more of a question to himself then me. I decide to answer anyways, but not before asking my own question. 

"What do you mean?" I ask it quietly, not being able to raise my voice to anything much above a whisper. His grip around me tightens and I look up to see his eyes closed, head hung.

"I mean, you're so perfect you could be an angel walking on this Earth. And yet you love me, a literal demon. How?" He questions it like it's the most puzzling question in this universe, even though the answer is so clear. To me at least.

I pull away from his embrace, taking his hands in mine and he looks at me with those crimson red eyes. "You may have hurt people, and you may have been a bad person, but you aren't anymore. Sure, you kill people, but only those who "deserve" it, per say. The people that probably would've gotten the death penalty back in the day anyways. And you may have done some damage to those I care about, but nothing that wasn't irreversible, and you did it for a reason. And you're you. And that's why I love you. I love you for you." 

By the time I'm finished a small smile is on his lips and he has his one hand on my cheek. With a sigh he moves his hand to the back of my head, playing with my hair. I put my hands around his neck, his other hand goes on my waist.

"I don't deserve you." He whispers lightly, as if any words louder would break us. My smile widens and I put my forehead to his. 

"I don't deserve you." I whisper back, and that's when we kiss. It's a soft kiss, a gentle one filled with all the words neither of us could say. The love that no one else will understand because we can't really understand it ourselves. That love that's so different and so passion filled it shocks me. And then...

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