"I'll always be there"

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(Jack's P.O.V.)

When someone says they love you, you smile.

When someone says they enjoy your company, you grin.

When someone tries to cheer you up and make you happy, you laugh.

When someone says they'll always be there, you believe them.

But then that love disappears.

They hate your company.

They only try to knock you down.

What does it mean anymore?

"I'll always be there."

Does it mean anything?

Or is it a promise fallen upon deaf ears?

A promise that you can't seem to keep.

A promise that shattered my heart.

A promise that filled me with hope...

...Until I didn't know what it meant anymore.

A/N: I know it's short, and it's another break up one. But I'm not in the best of mood, and this is honestly kind of how I feel. A friend of mine... EX friend of mine... He and I would talk and I'd always say that I'd be there for him, always and he'd always reply with "I'll be there for you too. Always". And then he cut it off, and he's not. It's a promise he failed to keep. And I don't think I'll ever forgive him for that...

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