"Bar" Talk

391 21 13

(Mark's P.O.V.)

So an Irishman, a Swede, and a Korean/German/American walk into a bar... What do you think would happen? Well, I can confirm lots of swearing...


"Jävla helvete!" The blonde yells out.

"Fucking Jaysus!" The green-haired yells out. 

"AAAGH!" The raven-haired yells out.

Cause this is when all three of us managed to smack our heads against a metal bar while cleaning out the basement. 

"You would think one of us would have noticed!" Seán yells out as he rubs his forehead. I nod, agreeing with him as Felix continues swearing under his breath.

"My question is why there's just an exposed pipe that just so happens to be lower then our heads!" Felix yells, chuckling a bit as I laugh, shrugging. 

"I don't know man. This house is old, you know that." Seán says, referring to the house that we're cleaning the basement of, aka the house he and his mom just moved into and the house that wasn't lived in for ten years. 

The three of us just keep laughing and joking about hitting our heads against the bar when finally there's a beep outside. Felix looks at his watch and then sighs. 

"Damn, that's my mom. Well, I'll see you dudes at school tomorrow." He says with a smile, waving to us as he walks up the stairs and to the front door. After we hear the door close I turn to Seán, who is still holding his head. I frown, taking his hands off his head.

"Let me see." I whisper and he nods, closing his eyes. I start looking at his forehead as he mutters. 

"My head hurts..." He says lazily, all the energy he had before practically sucked right out of him. I smile, nodding. 

"I'm not surprised. You've got a giant bruise, and a bit of a bump on your head here..." I say, pushing his bangs out of his face so I can see his head better. He chuckles, opening his eyes and looking at me. He pokes my forehead, causing a slight bit of pain.

"And you got one right there." He says and I chuckle, standing and picking him up with ease. He doesn't argue as I carry him bridal style up the stairs, just wrapping his arms around me as I walk him to the bathroom. Once we get there I set him down on the counter, where he sits patiently. 

"I'm gonna wrap up your head, mk?" He just nods, eyes still closing lazily. I chuckle at his goofy nature, grabbing some bandages from under the counter so I can wrap his head. But when I stand up he throws his arms around me. 

"Kiss it better?" He asks then and I smirk, shaking my head a bit. 

"Are you five?" 


I roll my eyes at his response, quickly kissing his forehead and muttering about him being "to gay". Then I wrap the bandages around his head, all the while him giggling and playing with my hair, muttering back about how I'm "not gay enough". Eventually I finish with the bandages and I take the leftovers to wrap around my own head. 

"Wait!" Seán exclaims, making me freeze with my hands in midair, bandages around my head. He smiles innocently, giggling. "I'ma kiss it better..." 

I sigh, expecting him to just kiss my forehead like I did for him, and I bring my arms down. But instead he reaches forehead, puts his hands on my neck, and slams his lips into mine. My eyes widen, and I fight the immediate urge to pull back. But in only a few seconds I melt, my eyes slipping shut as I kiss him back. It's only when he pulls back that he giggles again.

"You missed my forehead." I state and he giggles more, laying his head on his chest.



"I love ya, ya goober." He giggles more, calling me cute nicknames as I wrap the bandages around my head. 

"I love you too." I say back and he sighs. 



"I think I may have a mild concussion..."

"How hard did you hit your head?" 

"I hit my head?" 

"God, I love you."

A/N: Short but sweet, cause why the fuck not. 

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