Three Two One, Click!

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(Seán's P.O.V.)

I look at the camera, and clap my hands together. "Alright! Well, this livestream is amazing and all, but I need to go get something to eat. I'll be right back." I say, and I stand up, heading towards my door. When suddenly...

Mark walks in. I frown, standing in the middle of my room. I told Mark I was livestreaming. I thought he was gonna record some... Especially since he decided to stay longer than he originally meant too. He looks at me, biting his lip and I glance over at the camera. 

"Seán can we talk?" He asks. I nod. 

"Sure. In the kitchen?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, I don't want to wait otherwise I might not be able to do this." He says and my frown turns into worry and concern. Is something wrong?

"Hey is everything okay?" I ask, tilting my head to the side a bit. He shrugs, looking at the ground.

"I don't know." He mumbles. I sigh, punching his arm lightly.

"Come on buddy. Tell me what's up." I say and he looks up, right into my eyes. And I'm lost. I have no clue what he's thinking, what he's gonna say. 

But I don't have to guess cause in only a second his lips are on mine. I freeze, shocked. But then I sink into the kiss, putting my hand on the back of his head as he puts his hands on my hips. We stand there, kissing for a while, until he pulls back, smiling. He puts his forehead on mine and shakes his head lightly.

"I love you Seán." He says and I can feel my cheeks heat up. I laugh quietly.

"I love you too." I say and then I remember. The camera. The livestream. But I don't panic. In fact, I do the opposite. I smirk. "Mark?" I say and he looks very confused, raising an eyebrow. I pull my head back and point to the camera. "That camera's on. I've been livestreaming this entire time." 

His face falls and he stares at the camera, then my computer. 100,000 viewers. I start chuckling, watching as his face goes pale. He just confessed in front of 100,000 people. I feel bad, but this is also really funny. And then he smiles. My laughing stops, mainly cause I'm very confused. He looks back at the camera. 

"Hope some of you guys are recording." He says and with that he whirls around and pushes me up against the wall, kissing me roughly. I kiss back, once again forgetting about the livestream. He grabs my wrists and pins my arms above my head, clearly taking dominance. I smile slightly, teasing him as he nips my bottom lip.

I open my eyes for a second to see the computer and the comments are freaking out. Well why wouldn't they? Most of them are seeing their favorite ship making out. Who wouldn't freak out? While I was thinking I let my guard down however, for Mark is easily able to sneak his tongue in. I jump a bit with surprise, but I don't do anything. In fact, I really enjoy it. 

We stand there, making out, for a good couple minutes. And then Mark finally pulls away, both of us panting slightly. We both looks at the camera and laugh.

"Well that was a thing." I say and he nods, looking at me. 

"Yeah. Glad it was though." And with that I walk over to the camera and turn it off. Then I whirl around and push Mark sideways, onto my bed. I crawl on top of him, smirking.

"Now where were we?" 

A/N: I took about three breaks from writing this because I kept laughing, mainly cause I can see this being a thing (you know, if the ship was real. Which it's cool that it's not). Also, sorry it's short. I still think it's adorable though. *starts laughing again* Well I'll... I'll talk to you guys later. Bye. *walks away laughing*

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