Pick One

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A/N: Quick warning: this is Dark x Jack, not normal Septiplier so... yeah... Take that as you will.

(Seán's P.O.V.)

My best friend is Mark Fischbach, aka Markiplier. He's a goofball, but really kind. And he's really funny, but can be serious when need be. He's talented, and really cares for all of his friends. Everyone knows these things. After all, he is an internet celebrity. However, one thing no one knows except for me, is about one of his "alter-egos". 

Darkiplier. Everyone thinks Dark is just a gag, a funny joke Mark puts in for the heck of it. But no. Dark is actually Mark's demon counterpart, living on Earth with Mark for god knows why. But he's real. Trust me, he's real. So, not only would that make visits interesting, but there's another variable to the whole thing. 

They both like me. And not like a friend. I mean, they both like me as in they want to kiss me and hold me and call me theirs. So, it's a battle between the two to be the better one whenever I visit, and honest to god it's hilarious. Definitely makes dinner conversation interesting, that's for sure. And I'm prepared for interesting conversations and encounters.

Cause it just so happens I'm going out to visit Mark and Dark for a whole week tomorrow. 


"Seán!" I hear a call and I already know it's Mark, just from the fact that his voice isn't quite as deep as Dark's. Before I could never tell, but after being with both of them for so long it becomes quite easy to pick out those things in a heartbeat. Especially since Dark gets a kick out of trying to impersonate Mark. I whirl around to see Mark walking up to me with a huge smile on his face.

"Mark!" I yell back, walking over to him with my suitcase in tow. I wrap my arms around him the moment I'm close enough too and he laughs, me soon joining in. "God I missed ya." 

"I missed you too, ya goober." Neither Mark or Dark know that I know they like me. Honestly, I don't know how they don't. They aren't exactly subtle, though Mark is subtler than Dark, that's for sure. "Here, let me take your bag." 

"Thanks." I shrug, letting Mark take my suitcase from me as we walk back to his car through the bustling airport. We talk about recent events and the plans for this week, but other than that not much. The drive to Mark's house doesn't take long, maybe fifteen minutes, and the whole time we're just talking and goofing around. 

Once we get to the house however, I am not only prepared for funny moments, but also to be smothered in compliments, favors, and everything in between. God, this'll be a fun week. Mark and I walk into the house, still talking, with him carrying my bags since he insisted. The house is quiet, and I suspect Dark is sleeping, so I just shrug it off. 

"I'll go take my bag to the guest room." I say, taking the bag back from Mark. He frowns a bit, but nods. 

"Alright. I'll go start dinner." He says and I nod back with a smile, before turning to the stairs and walking up them. I head down the hall, to the last door on the left. By now, I know this house almost as if it were my own. After all, I visit frequently. I sigh, opening the door quickly and walking into the room, my suitcase dragging behind me. And as soon as I walk in, I freeze.

There stands Dark, making up the bed with freshly laundered blankets. He wears nothing but a pair of jeans, and by Jaysus does he look hot as hell. He hasn't noticed me yet, he keeps making the bed, so I just spend the time studying him. Though he and Mark do look very, very similar, I always found Dark to be a little bit hotter. Okay, a lot hotter. 

His hair is always more well kept, and still dyed red on top. He's more muscular, somehow, and his skin is smoother. His voice is slightly deeper, yet always smooth, and he always presents himself with such a strong aura. And then his eyes... His crimson red eyes, I don't even want to get started on those... 

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