I Forgot...

672 18 13

(Seán's P.O.V.)

Pain. Soreness. Aching. These are the first three things I come to notice when I wake up. The next thing I notice is that I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. Then the next thing I notice is that it's three in the afternoon and I'm just waking up now. Well... Okay. Then I notice something else. I don't remember anything after going to the bar last night.

Well I'll worry about that later. Right now let's get up and get some breakfast (or lunch I guess...). I groan softly, rolling onto my side and kicking my legs over the side of the bed, sitting up. However as soon as I stand up I immediately collapse on the bed, regretting my decision. 

"Fucking hell..." I groan, closing my eyes as my body continues to ache. More appropriately my back and ass, which makes no sense. I guess I just slept weird or something... I sigh, sitting up and yet again going to stand, but this time I'm slow and careful about it. Eventually I stand up and I start walking, which just makes me ache even more. 

I'm more limping than anything else, but whatever. Hopefully it'll wear off as I walk more. I head out my bedroom and to my kitchen, only to squeal when the light hits my eyes. I close my eyes immediately, my head pounding. Great. I'm hung over. So, with a heavy sigh, I turn and head towards the bathroom.

As soon as I reach the bathroom I open my medicine cabinet, grabbing some Advil and quickly taking the tablets. Then I put it away, and look at myself in the mirror. I look like a wreck. Like I only got four hours of sleep or something. I definitely look hung over though, that's for sure. I rub my eyes with my hands, inhaling and exhaling slowly. 

I'm really not hungry. I'll eat something later. For now, I think I'm gonna go lay back down. I turn, starting to head back to my room, when my phone rings. I frown, stopping and taking my phone out of my pocket, staring at the caller ID. Mark? Why is he calling? I answer and bring the phone up to my ear.

"Hey." I say simply, and I hear a slight exhale.

"Hey Seán. Uh, listen. I have something I need to ask you..." Mark gets right to the point and I nod.

"Yeah, of course. What's up?" I ask and he sighs. It's silent for a second. And then he speaks again.

"Do you remember anything from last night? Cause it's completely blank for me..." He says, and my eyes widen. 

"Same here. I mean, I remember that we went to the bar with Bob and Wade after the convention. You know, last day and we wanted to unwind, talk, before we all go home." I say, recalling what I can remember. 

"Yeah, yeah. And then Bob and Wade left and we were left by ourselves. We talked, we drank. But then, after that..."

"It's blank."


I sigh, walking into the living room and sitting down, the soreness still sticking with me but getting less noticeable, making it easier to walk. I look around the hotel room a bit, frowning. Then, I get an idea. 

"How about you come over to my hotel and we figure this out together?" I ask and Mark chuckles.

"Exactly what I was thinking. I'll be over in, like, ten minutes." He says and with that I hang up. I put my phone down, running my fingers through my hair. I want to know what happened last night. I really, really do. So I hope Mark and I can figure it out. For now, I should probably pack up while I'm waiting for Mark to get here. I am leaving tomorrow after all.


I've spent the last twelve minutes packing, and while doing that I've come across a discovery. I have no clue where my convention tickets are. I mean, they have no use; yesterday was the last day of con, but I like to keep my tickets as... Keepsakes I guess. Can't do anything about it now though. I guess I just lost them at the bar or something...

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