Hax Pt.3

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

It's been about two weeks since Seán (as I've grown to call him) showed me his face and turned off the voice changer. And nothing's changed, except that I can now call him my best friend and someone I actually know. I know so much about him, more then I think anybody does. And I'm so grateful. So, so grateful. 

We still play games and we still hang out and talk every day. Not as much as we used to, but that's only because I've become busier with... Things. Nothing I need to go into detail about. He asks me every so often but I always reply with "getting ready for school", which he doesn't question since school starts for me in three weeks or so. 

What he doesn't know is that I dropped out a week ago. Again, no reason I really need to get into. But no one knows that I've done it yet. My brother doesn't know, my parents don't know, Seán doesn't know. And it's gonna stay that way. For... A while at least. That's my hope. I mean, my brother is a police officer. He'll probably find out on his own. But by the time he does, it won't matter.

I told Seán I wouldn't be able to talk at all today. I'm planning on starting the plan today. Actually, I already have started the plan. I started it this morning at 9:04 AM when I called the police station with a voice changer. I sent in an anonymous tip. It's 11:28 AM now, and I'm all prepared. Now I just have to wait...

And that's when it happens. The door is kicked in and in walks a figure. He wears a blue hoodie, hood up, black ripped jeans, converse, black gloves, and he has a gun in his hands, pointing at me. It's a simple pistol, one I could easily use. But something else, is he has bright green hair that I would recognize anywhere. 

"Hey there Seán." I say, smiling slightly. But he scowls in return, rushing up to me and putting the gun under my chin. 

"You told the police where I was! You called me out! I should've never fucking trusted you!" He screams, anger in his eyes. I nod, still smiling. 

"Yeah, I told the police. But that's where you're wrong. You should have trusted me." I say. His eyes narrow, his finger twitching to pull the trigger. 

"And why the hell is that?" His voice is scary low. I shrug slightly. 

"Because I have my reasons." He waits for an answer, but I just egg him on. I wait, silent. And then I say. "I want to join you." 

He scoffs. "Join me in what?"

"Your fight against the government." His eyes widen a bit in shock, so I go to explain. "After you taught me it was easy to break your firewall. You taught me based off of your security systems after all. Once I got in your computer, it was simple to find out what your mission here was. And I agree whole-heartedly." 

He seems to understand, but doesn't nod, doesn't move the gun. Instead he cocks the gun, eyes narrow once again. "Why the hell should I bring you with me?" 

I nod slowly, breathing slowly. "Well you see..." And with that I hit his arm, right in the bone, and I weaken his grip. I grab the gun, turning it around. I kick him to the ground and I put my foot on his chest, holding the gun over him. "You need me."

"Why?" His voice is shakier. I smile. 

"Because I'm the second best hacker in the world." 

"I'm the first."

"I know. That's not it." I nod at his arm. "You're arm was in the wrong position. Easy to take out. You're stance was weak, it was easy to knock you over. You weren't holding the gun right, you weren't confident enough. You couldn't have shot me, or even hit me, even if you tried." He seems taken aback by all this. 


"So, you don't know how to fight. And in this battle you're going, it's gonna get physical at some point. I do know how to fight. I've been in the police academy before. It was for a year, free since my brother was top of the class. I know everything you'd need to know. It'd work out." But he still seems skeptical. 

"What if I say no?" It's so quiet I almost didn't hear it. I cock the gun once more. 

"Then I can hand you in to the police." I say. He chuckles. 

"You wouldn't." 

It's silent for a moment, the two of us just staring at each other, challenging each other. And then I sigh, moving the gun away. I put the safety on and tuck it in the waistband of my jeans. 

"You're right. I wouldn't." I take my foot off his chest, but he stays on the ground. "I have a fake body in the room. Staged a murder. Burglary gone wrong. I have fake IDs, passports, among other things. I have a bag put together with everything I'll need. So now all you have to do is say the word and we're out of here." 

Seán chuckles, standing up slowly. He doesn't stop staring at me the entire time. "I'm impressed. Not many people would be able to pack up so easily. You're just ready to... To leave?" I nod, looking around the house.

"I'll miss a bit of it. But honestly, I don't care enough. I just... I just wanna spend time with you. Get the government for all their mistakes and exploit their secrets. Learn more, hack more. Get to know you better." I shrug. It's all true, all of it. And he notices. He knows it's all true, I can see it in his eyes. 

He just shakes his head, smiling slightly. "Well hot damn..." And with that he rushes up to me, putting his hand on my cheek and connecting our lips. In only a moment I'm kissing him back, my hands on his waist. He pushes me against the wall, not scared of showing how much he loves me through a simple action. Eventually though, we need air.

He pulls back, resting his forehead on mine. "Let's go, shall we Mark?"He asks, and I nod. I grab his hand, and I grab my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. Then, hand in hand, we walk out of the house, ready to start our adventure together. 

A/N: I'm happy with this. It took four months in total to write all three parts (dear god inspiration for this came and went like a fucking dragonfly) but I'm happy and proud. I hope you all enjoyed! =) <3 

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