Hax Pt. 2

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

It's been a whole month since I was hacked by Jack, and we talk pretty much everyday. He still uses his voice changer, and I still know pretty much nothing about him. But I don't really care. It's been a lot of fun gaming with him, and talking. And, like I promised, I've helped him with whatever he needs my help with. He still hasn't told me his plan, but it's fine.

We've been focused on other things. For one, Overwatch and many other video games. I found out Jack isn't just good at Overwatch, but pretty much any game out there. We play a lot, it's what half of our time spent together is. It's so much fun. I love it. The other half of our time spent together is spent with him teaching me about computers.

And hacking. The last month we've been spending together he's been teaching me how to hack, and I love it. Of course, I'm not planning on doing anything illegal (or at least any more illegal then me talking to Jack), but it's still cool. He's told me I'm never gonna be as good as him but I'll be close. And he's a really good teacher. 

My brother doesn't know about my talking to Jack, no one does. Except for Jack himself. And it's gonna stay that way. Anyone find out I was talking to him and I'm going to prison for helping a criminal. And prison does not sound pleasant. However, I do have to admit, it's hard sometimes not bringing it up. I mean, I'm learning a lot of stuff, and having a really good time.

But whatever. It's fine. I understand why I can't say anything and that's okay with me. Jack is still taking many precautions when it comes to me. Like I said previously, he still uses the voice changer. He still hasn't told me anything about himself. And he still knows everything about me. But he hasn't used any of it against me (to my knowledge at least) and I really appreciate that.

"Alright, you're doing a good job Mark." Right now Jack is looking at my screen, watching as I'm trying to hack through his security and find where he is. He said if I can do this I'll be the second best hacker in the world, and done with learning stuff. He even said it's harder then hacking into government files, and I don't doubt him. 

I bite my lip in concentration, typing away and watching as letters and numbers, commands and sentences, show up on my screen at quick speeds. I type in the last command and I wait, watching, hoping, praying that I did it all correctly. And it finally all stops and I smile, staring at the words in front of me.

"Boom." I say and Jack chuckles. 

"Nice job Mark. You're officially the second best hacker in the world." He says, and my smile widens. I congratulate myself in my head, still staring at the words. That's really where he is?

"You're in that old warehouse in L.A? Really?" I ask, doubting it. 

"Correction, under the old warehouse in L.A. But yes, that is where I am." He says and I sigh, leaning back in my seat and nodding. 

"Well... Cool." I say and he hums in response. It's silent afterwords, neither of us knowing what to say. But then a question pops into my mind. "So... Now that I know where you are... Do you think you can finally take off that damn voice changer?" 

It's silent for a second, Jack probably slightly stunned by the question. But it's so annoying, that voice changer. Plus, I know where he is. Isn't that more dangerous for him than me hearing his real voice? 

"You really want me too?" Jack speaks, and I just wish that he'll get rid of it, that I can hear his real voice. So I nod.

"I really do. Please Jack." Silence once more. And then I hear a sigh and a few clicks of a keyboard and mouse. And then.

"Alright. There. No more voice changer. You happy Mark?" My eyes widen when I hear his voice. I love it. His voice is higher pitched than mine, but not to much. He's naturally loud, and he has a slight Irish accent that's still very clearly heard, especially when he says my name. I can practically hear the energy that he's undoubtedly always filled with. It's amazing.

"Yeah. I... I actually really am happy." I say, smiling. I stare at my screen, zoned out, smiling still. I just imagine what he looks like, or try too. It's hard to say. He's never used a camera or released a photo of himself (with good reason), so I don't have the slightest clue as to what he looks like. I'm woken from my thoughts by a sigh.

"You know I feel bad. I can see you, and I've always been able too. But you don't know what I look like at all." I tilt my head to the side, obviously very confused. I don't really know why he's saying this, I've already known this and he already knows it. But why does he feel bad? That's my only question. He has no reason too. 

"What?" Is the only thing that comes out of my mouth. A simple word that sums up all questions. Jack only chuckles and then sighs. More clicks or a keyboard and mouse are  heard, and then it freezes. Everything freezes. The entire world seems to freeze, and it worries me quite a lot. What is he doing? But then, with one more click, my eyes widen and I'm glued to the screen.

On my screen is now a window, showing a person. Him. Jack. He's smiling, and though it's dark in the room I can make out all of his features. His skin is pale, his eyes a piercing blue. He has on a blue hoodie, hood down, exposing his brown hair dyed neon green on top. His smile is soft, genuine, and although there's a slight amount of fear in his eyes they're mostly just happiness.

"Let's start again." He says, and then sighs, looking at the ground. Then he looks back up and his smile is wider then before, and the next words of his shock me. "Hello. My name is Seán McLoughlin. I'm 21, Irish, and the best hacker in the whole damn world." 

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