All I Want For Christmas Is You

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Art Credit: mirrored-ivy on Tumblr

(Mark's P.O.V.)

I stare out the car window, watching the scenery go by. The trees, bare of leaves and covered with the white powder called snow. The plants dead, but ready to come back to life in the spring. The few other cars driving as well, being careful not to slip on the road. Bob is careful too, making sure we don't go to fast in fear of slipping. 

Wade sits in the front passenger seat, talking with Bob about whatever. I just sit in the back, staring, watching. It's Christmas Eve, and Bob and Wade told me that they have something planned for me with all our other friends. Felix, Marzia, Matt, Amanda, Matt, Ryan, Ethan, Tyler. Everyone. But they never once mentioned Seán.

And yeah, it'll be fun no matter what. But I want to see Seán. I haven't seen him in person for so long and I miss him. I miss him so much... 

"Mark." I wake from my thoughts by Wade calling my name.

"Yeah? What's up?" I ask, still looking out the window. I feel a hand on my knee and I turn, seeing Wade has his hand there, concern in his eyes. 

"Are you okay?" He asks softly, frowning slightly. I just smile and nod, the hope that Seán is there making it able for me to do so.

"Yeah. I'm just looking out the window. I forgot how pretty snow is." I say, looking out the window again. Wade hums in response and takes his hand off my knee, letting me look out the window. Normally it never snows in California, but it's been weird this year. Plus, we're in northern California. That always helps.

"So, anything you're excited about when it comes to this Christmas?" Bob asks, slowing down just a bit. I shrug. 

Seeing Seán. I think it but I don't say it. Instead I just say "Hanging out with you guys." In which I earn laughs and reassures of us hanging out for the holidays. 

"Well personally I'm looking forward to doing that livestream on New Years." Wade says and Bob chuckles. I smile at that. I forgot that was our plan.

"Me too, but the biggest thing I'm looking forward to is this party." Bob says and Wade laughs, agreeing. I agree as well, but only because they'd suspect something was wrong if I didn't. Then the two goofs start talking again and I'm left to my thoughts.

I know it's stupid to be so sad about not seeing Seán. But I have to admit, I do like him more than a friend. It hurts knowing that I'll probably only see him through a computer screen this year, but I understand. His family's out in Ireland. He better be with them. No matter how much it hurts me. That'd be selfish to ask him to come.

"Mark we're here." I hear Bob's voice. I immediately exit the car, the two following soon after, and right after Bob locks the car we walk in the large log cabin. Felix (the brain behind the whole thing) rented it out for all of us. 

As soon as we walk into the building we're greeted by "hello"s and hugs and "happy holidays"'. Everyone is wearing something Christmas themed, whether it be a sweater, a Santa hat, some stupid accessory. I notice Marzia is wearing a very nice homemade PewDiePie scarf, and Matt is wearing some stupid reindeer antlers. 

On one side of the cabin there's a large Christmas tree, with presents underneath. Tons, and tons of presents. I smile, saying hi and talking with people. But I can't keep him off my mind. I have to admit, I don't care about any of the presents under the Christmas tree. Though it's a nice thought, none of it is what I want. Unless there's a human sized gift where Seán's hiding, but I highly doubt that. 

I walk over to Felix, smiling as I approach him. When he sees me he smiles too. 

"Hey Mark! Happy holidays!" He says, giving me a side hug. I chuckle.

"Happy holidays to you too Felix." I say and he releases me, crossing his arms afterwards.

"So, what's up?" He asks. I sigh softly, scratching the back of my neck as my cheeks heat up.

"Do you know if Seán's coming?" I ask softly and he sighs, frowning.

"No, I'm sorry Mark. He said he was really busy this year and couldn't come." He says, putting a hand on my shoulder as my mood goes from content to depressed. Of course he couldn't. That was to much hope. To much of a Christmas miracle.

"It's okay." I say, walking away. I weave through all the people, keeping my head down and only smiling and waving when someone said something to me. Soon, before I realize it, I'm standing outside in the back, looking around at the woods around us. 

It's so beautiful, and I would love nothing more than to be here with Seán and Seán only. All I was asking for was a miracle, but I guess miracle's don't come easy. I look down, kicking the snow as I sigh. I just stare at the white snow, waiting. Waiting for what, I don't know. But waiting. Eventually, after about five minutes, I start to head back inside. When...

"Mark!" I freeze, tensing. I could never mistake that Irish accent for anyone else's. I whirl around, seeing the miracle himself running over to me, practically jumping into my arms. I close my eyes, smiling, laughing, burying my head in his shoulder. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't here earlier. I told Felix I couldn't come but I changed my mind last minute and-"

I cut him off by kissing him. A risky move, I know, but at this moment I don't care. And I only love it further when he sinks into the kiss, kissing me back actually. His grip around my neck tightens and I move my hands to his waist. Eventually though, I pull back for air and we just stand there with eyes closed for a minute. And then I speak.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper. He chuckles and I open my eyes, seeing his ocean blue ones staring at me.

"Why?" He asks, his smile melting my heart. I open my mouth, but I can't manage to say anything. So he continues. "I changed my mind because I wanted to come and do just that. And I knew that if I didn't do it now, I wouldn't have the guts to do it again." 

"Oh my god Seán..." I whisper, shaking my head, smiling. My wish came true. A miracle happened. I can't believe it... And based off of how he's acting, he can't either. 

"I love you Mark Fischbach." He says and I smile, putting my forehead to his.

"I love you too Seán McLoughlin." I say, loving how well it rolls off my tongue. He chuckles and reaches into his pocket, holding out a gift. 

"I bought you something." He says and I bite my lip, chuckling. I take the gift and hold onto him tighter. 

"Thank you, but it really doesn't matter." I say and he looks at me with confusion. I bring him in, kissing him softly for only a second before pulling away. "It doesn't matter because all I wanted for Christmas was you. And I got that wish." I whisper it, I'm so quiet. He smiles, cheeks pink.

"Merry Christmas, Mark." He says, and I nod slightly.

"Merry Christmas, Seán." I say, and we kiss once more, sharing this beautiful Christmas moment with each other just like I've always wanted.

A/N: And there is day 5. I hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, or Happy Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate. Just Happy Holidays! I probably won't post anything till 2017, so Happy New Years as well. I'm really looking forward to 2017 and I hope you all do as well. So, from me... Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight. =) <3

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