For Forever

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

June 5th, 2001

"Middle school is so much fun." My best friend says, smiling at me as we sit under a tree. I nod, agreeing. He's eleven right now, and I'm twelve. He just started middle school, and was really nervous. But now he loves it. 

"Yeah! It's the best! Except for the homework." I shrug and Seán laughs. We're sitting on top of a hill a little ways away from our houses. It's just an empty field filled with trees. It's nice! 

"Yeah but, that's okay. We got girls." He says, nudging me with his elbow. This just makes me laugh. 

"True, but... Girls aren't everything." I say, and he shrugs. It's silent for a second, the wind picking up and messing up our hair but neither of us really care. 

"I want to fly and never come down and live my life and have friends around." He sighs, looking at me. I narrow my eyes, and he chuckles. "'We Never Change', by Coldplay." 

I nod slowly. Seán will often quote songs, since he loves music so much. It's one of the things I like about him. 

"I would tell you a joke but I can't think of any right now." I laugh and he laughs too, shrugging.

"That's okay. You make me laugh anyway with your stupid face." I fake offense, putting a hand to my chest. 

"Well at least my hair isn't a fricken beacon." I laugh. He snaps and points at me.


Silence once more. And then he stands up, motioning for me to follow. And I do. We start walking, no where in particular. Just walking down the hill. We get about halfway down when Seán lays down again, staring at the sky. 

"It's so blue." He whispers. I nod, laying down as well. 


"So you know Kathy, right?" 

"The know-it-all?" 

"Yeah huh." I chuckle, shaking my head. 

"I didn't think she was your type Seán." I say, looking at him. He scoffs.

"No no no. I wasn't done. You know the girl who sits next to her in English?" He asks, smiling. His Irish accent is so cute... Wait, what?

"Yeah. What about her?" I say, smiling softly. He sighs, looking at the sky again. 

"She has no clue I exist." I laugh at this, knowing very well that it's true. But I also know, this crush won't last long. They never do with Seán...

"Yeah well, you don't exactly make yourself noticeable." I state, and he nods, knowing that what I've said is a fact. But he doesn't say anything. We just lay there, staring at the sky and the clouds. Until...

"I like this spot. This should be our spot." He says. And I nod, smiling. 

"Yeah... Our spot."


June 5th, 2008

"Dude you have no clue how fucking happy I am I'm finally out of that place!" Seán laughs as we sit down on the hill. It's only a week after his high school graduation, and I very well know how happy he is. 

"Well, I've got a good idea." I say, nudging him. He nudges back, and before long it's a small shoving war. It ends with me on the ground, him pinning me, and both of us laughing. He climbs off of me, sitting on the ground, and letting me sit up as well. I sigh. "Hard to imagine it's been so long since we first found this place..." 

"Yeah... Middle school seems so long ago." He says, reminiscing. I stare up at the blue sky, not noticing when I put my hands behind me that my hand rests upon his. That is, until he gets up and I miss the warmth from his hand. "Come on!" He says, running down the hill to a large tree. I smile, running after him.

And we climb. He jumps into the tree, climbing quickly. I climb after him, much slower, but doing it nonetheless. And I keep climbing, and climbing, until the suns setting rays rests on my face. And I look over at Seán, who is sitting on a different branch then me. And while we're sitting in the tree, we just look. He looks at the sunset, and I look at him.

The way his smile is perfect, and the way his green hair moves in the wind. The way his skin has an orange glow because of the sunset, and the way his blue eyes light up because of the beauty. And then all of a sudden...


I gasp as the branch breaks, and I fall, desperately grabbing out but only grabbing a fistful of air. I let out all the air in my lungs when I hit the ground, hearing something else snap as well. Before I know it, my arm is completely numb. Oh hell no... I look around frantically, only to see Seán jumping out of the tree and running over to me. 

"Oh my god! Mark! Mark! Come on, keep your eyes open!" He says, hovering over me. I blink lazily, finding it harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I'm tired... I see him grab his phone. Black. Then I see him on the phone, and I can faintly hear him talking to someone. Black. 

Then I feel his hand in mine, and I open my eyes, to see him lean down and kiss me softly. I close my eyes again, kissing back before losing consciousness. 


June 5th, 2008

I open my eyes to see a white ceiling. I hear beeping. And I can feel my arm again. I look down to see that my arm is now in a cast, and that cast is in a sling. God damn it, I must have broken it... I sigh, running my uninjured hand through my hair. I'm in a hospital... I hate hospitals. I look around the room. It's empty. But that's before I sit up, and look at my bed.

His head is in his arms, and he's laying down on my bed by my feet. However, once I move, Seán starts to wake up. And once he does, he doesn't help the wide smile that overtakes his features, and runs over to me, hugging me tightly. 

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" He says, but I just shush him, and pull him away. 

"It's okay. It's still a perfect day." I say, and he chuckles, slamming his lips into mine. I kiss back, happy beyond compare. It is perfect. It really, really is. And then he pulls away. 

"Let me sign that cast for you." He says, and grabs a sharpie, signing his name on my cast with a little heart next to it. Then he looks up at me, and I look at him. "We'll be okay. I promise." 

"Yeah?" I ask softly. He leans closer, kissing me softly once more, but only for a second.

"Yeah. You and I, for forever." 


June 5th, 2017

"You said we'd be together. You and I, for forever. And then you up and leave me." I whisper at the grave, tears spilling down my cheeks. "The sky is so blue today. It reminds me of your eyes." I sigh, shaking my head a bit. "Two friends on a perfect day... God I miss you... "

I look at the gravestone, before placing my old cast on it and turning to walk away. The words are imprinted in my brain, and make me cry even more. 

Seán William McLoughlin

Wonderful friend, son, and entertainer

1990 - 2016

"You and I, for forever"

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