Walking in a Winter Wonderland

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A/N: Photo is not mine. It belongs to the wonderful artist @_AVENOIRE. You can check out more of her art here: http://avenoire.tumblr.com

And the video is basically what Jack does here. Just ignore the intro and outro =P. I'm not a figure skater, so I don't know any of the terms, but just watch the video and you'll know what he did XD

(Jack's P.O.V.)

I stand in the middle of the rink, waiting for the music to start up. I tap the ice impatiently, looking to the sound booth. And then the song starts. "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys. Isn't my first pick, but there's a nice routine that I know that goes along with the song, so I don't have much choice. As it starts I start the routine, dancing and skating along the ice.

It's the same routine I just recently did in the last show that was just two nights ago. It was a solo, like it is now, and it was amazing. I had so much fun. It took forever to practice for it and get it perfect, but now I can practically do the routine in my sleep. But I mean, that's what happens when you've been doing figure skating for fourteen years, non stop. I still remember getting my first pair of skates on my fourth birthday. I sucked.

But I loved it. I loved being on the ice. It felt like home. So I practiced, and practiced, and practiced. Now I compete, I do shows, I even sent in a few video auditions for traveling ice shows. Sadly, I got rejected by most of them, and the one that did want me had a contract I didn't agree with. It's fine though. I mean, I'm only eighteen. Just got out of high school last month. I still have a lot of life ahead of me.

But now my nerd of a friend is doing a project for summer school. I don't know exactly what it is, but he said he needed a video of me doing one of my routines. Of course I said yes. I mean, I can't not say yes. I've had a crush on him for the last, like, three years. And I know it's almost impossible for us to get together, but I can still hope.

I finish off the routine with one last half-biellmann spin, before ending in a pose. Then I skate up to the bleachers, leaning on the edge of the wall. "Was that good?" I ask, panting slightly. Mark laughs, nodding as he watches the footage. Then he looks up at me, and I'm caught staring at his eyes like always.

"Better then good. It was perfect. Just like all your performances." He smiles and I roll my eyes, waving it off.

"Nah, I'm not even close. But thank you anyways." I say, and he walks with me as I skate along the wall to the exit. After I reach the exit I sit down on the bleachers and I take off my skates, putting on my gym shoes and my jacket before grabbing my skate bag and standing. "Let's go."

Mark smiles and nods, putting his camera away and walking with me to exit the building. However, once we walk outside, I'm shocked. My eyes widen, lighting up with happiness and mischief, and my smile grows. It's snowing. And the snow is sticking. I can't believe it. Birds are chirping, singing.

The streets are lined with snow, sparkling under the sunlight to make is look like tiny little diamonds are trapped in the white fluff. Kids are outside building snowmen and playing with their creations until other kids knock them down. The charity volunteers are outside ringing the bells and thanking people as they leave donations.

"It's so beautiful." Mark says, and I turn to him.

"You know what this means?" I ask. He looks at me and shakes his head. I grab his hand and start running towards my house, kicking snow out of the way as the two of us laugh. Once we get to my house we run past it, to the woods around it and we start walking, watching as snow falls around us.

"So, why are we here?" He asks. I smile and hold up a finger, telling him to wait one minute. And then we see it. The pond, which is now frozen over. I smile, going over and testing it. It's solid, which is a miracle. I sit down on a nearby log, pulling off my shoes and replacing them with skates. I throw my other pair to Mark who chuckles. "I should have known."

And within only a couple minutes we're both skating along the pond, laughing and talking about whatever. Mark made a small fire by our bags so occasionally we go over there to warm up, but overall it's perfect. I start talking.

"You know I have a plan for the next few years, and although some of it's risky I'm unafraid." I say. Mark looks at me with a smile.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" He asks, skating closer to me. I sigh, looking up at the falling snow.

"Send in more audition videos, talk with some people, start competing nationally. Ask you out." The last one I didn't mean to say but as soon as I realized it I stop a little to suddenly and I fall backwards. However, Mark catches me before I hit the cold ice. I stare at him with wide eyes, stuttering, trying to take back what I said.

"Stop talking." He says then, a smile on his lips. I stop talking. He brings me up so I'm standing, but still keeps his arms around me. "Did you just say you were going to ask me out?" He asks then, chuckling. I start shaking my head, but then I give up and look down, nodding.

"Sorry." I whisper. He shakes his head, and lifts my chin.

"Nonsense. Cause you know what?" He asks, leaning closer. I tilt my head to the side a bit in question. And as an answer, or part of it, he kisses me. Very light, very short, only a peck. But enough. "I wouldn't be anywhere else but in this winter wonderland with you." And with that we start skating again, hand in hand.

A/N: Part one of the winter special!!!! Yay!!! Hope you guys enjoyed! =) <3

Update: May 2017
I just realized that this is in summer, and yet the lake is frozen over??? WTF was wrong with my brain? XD

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