An Unsuspecting Hero

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A/N: Dark x Jack warning =P

(Seán's P.O.V.)

Everyone knows that I have my business email hooked up to my YouTube account, leaving it open for people to use to contact me with business propositions. Because of this, I often also get tons of fan mail, leading me to spend many hours per week sifting through my email. About three weeks ago I was going through my email when I got this one email that stuck out. I looked at it, read it, and was shocked. It was a threat.

The threats continued until I got thirteen in total over the time span of three weeks, all from the same guy with the same anonymous handle. They ranged from "I'll find you" to "I'll find those you love" to "I'll hurt you for what you've done". I don't know what I did to make this guy so angry, but it was something bad enough for him to send me these messages. 

And then finally, on my last day home before flying out to Pax West, I get one more email. "I'll see you at Pax". So here I am, on my second to last day at Pax West fearing for my life. But I don't know if I should say something to someone, because it could just be some dude deciding to prank me and I don't want to cause a hassle over that. Plus, there's so much security around, I'm sure I'll be fine!.....Right?


I sigh, putting my head down as I close my eyes for just a short rest. I'm standing behind a booth, doing my last signing at this convention. There's only another fifteen minutes or so, but I'm starting to get really tired, and really worried. But I can see security, and Mark is right over here with me doing a signing too. 

I look back up and smile at the girl standing in front of me, with tears on her face as she's so happy. I talk with her for a bit, signing something and taking a selfie with her. And then she's off and it's to the next in line. I smile at the guy as he walks up to me, but he's not smiling. He looks to be about my age, and very unhappy.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I ask as he walks up to me, tilting his head to the side as he just looks at me. I back up a bit, a little concerned. "Dude, you good?" 

"You remember Madalyn?" He asks then, and I frown, shaking my head. He chuckles, staring at me with what can only be described as disgust. By now a crowd has formed around us, preventing security from getting through efficiently if things go awry. "Of course you don't. You never came to visit her."

"I can't visit people, I have a life."

"What about Make a Wish kids?" I narrow my eyes, frowning. 

"I always try to visit them, and I always do. What are you talking about?" 

All of a sudden he pulls out a pocket knife and my eyes widen, backing up until my back hits the wall. People are shouting, but not moving aside so security can't get through. 

"Madalyn was a ten year old girl, with stage four lung cancer, and all she wanted left in life was to meet her goddamn hero. But you never showed up." He seethes, moving closer to me. I shake my head a bit, stuttering and looking around frantically; I don't know what to do. "She was also my sister, you bitch."

And with that he rushes to me, the knife aimed towards my heart. I close my eyes and brace for impact, but I feel nothing except hand on my arms and I hear nothing but a slight scream. My eyes open and widen as soon as I see what's in front of me.

Because in front of me stands my best friend and current crush, Mark. He stares at me with brown eyes, and I realize that his hands are on my arms because he moved me out of the way. I dare to look behind him to see the man smirking, and a knife in Mark's back. 

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