Let It Snow

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A/N: Art credit: shaddie202 - Drawcast

(Mark's P.O.V.)

I sigh, looking out the window. "Oh man... It's really snowing out there." I say, biting my lip. I'm a little worried for getting snowed in. Normally I wouldn't be. I mean, I live in California. But Seán and I are in Ohio for the holidays. It's already past Christmas, two days after, but still. I'm just a little concerned that we're gonna get snowed in at this motel.

"Yeah?" I hear that familiar Irish voice. I nod, not knowing whether he can see me or not.

"Yeah, it really is. I'm kind of worried about getting snowed in. It's just really coming down." I say, still staring out the window. I hear footsteps come closer and then his voice.

"Let it." He says. I frown, turning to look at him.

"Excuse me?" I ask, a slight smile threatening to turn up my frown. He chuckles.

"I said, let it snow. Don't worry about it." Seán sounds way to cheery about it. This time I can't stop myself from smiling.

"But don't you have a plane to catch tomorrow?" I ask. He bites his lip, looking at the ceiling. Then he looks back at me.

"Who says I can't stay another few days?" He asks. My smile widens.

"Oh so that's it. You just wanna stay with me longer." I say, crossing my arms. Seán's cheeks turn pink and he waves it off.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He says and I laugh, watching as he turns and walks to the fireplace to turn it on.

"I'm kidding! I'm sorry for teasing you." I say, going and sitting on the couch. After successfully turning the fireplace on he turns and rolls his eyes.

"No you aren't." He says and goes into the kitchen, soon coming back with popcorn.

"Yes I am! I'm sorry..." I say, dragging out the word. He chuckles and plops down on the couch, putting the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table before snuggling into me.

"Eh." Is all he says, making me laugh as I grab the remote. I turn on the TV, however, nothing happens. Just static.

"Great. Satellite's out." I say, frowning again. He shrugs.

"So? The place has Netflix. We can just watch something on there." He says, looking at me hopefully. I look back at him.

"You want to watch a Christmas movie, don't you?" I ask and Seán nods wildly, making me laugh. However, I just shrug as a response and log into the motels Netflix account. I ignore the recently watched and immediately go to the holiday section. "Have one in mind?"

"Mm... Whichever." He shrugs and just snuggles into me more. So I start "A Christmas Carol" and soon we're both just watching the movie, munching on popcorn and snuggling. The perfect way to spend the night.

Once the movie ends, Seán and I are both extremely tired, but we stay awake and on the couch anyways. "You know..." I look at the man beside me. "I'm really gonna hate leaving." He says, looking at me with sad eyes. I nod.

"Yeah, I'm gonna hate it too. But for the time being, you're here and I'm gonna keep you warm for the night so don't worry about the storm, and dealing with it. Cause it doesn't matter." I say and just as I finish the power goes out. Seán makes a weird squeak noise, causing me to laugh.

"Hey. Sh-shut up." He says, closing his eyes and burying his face in my chest. I stop laughing, shaking my head.

"Sorry angel. That was just possibly the cutest thing I've ever heard." I say and he chuckles slightly.

"Well, I'm glad my fear is cute to you." He says and I roll my eyes at his sarcasm. "Can we turn a light on or something?"

"The powers out."

"I know! I meant our phones or a candle or something..."

That gives me an idea. I nod, moving him off of me and standing up, going to the kitchen and grabbing the candle and lighter that are there. I light the candle quickly before bringing it back to the living room, placing it on the coffee table. It illuminates the table, the couch, and the surrounding area, and that's it.

"There you go." I say, pushing Seán up a bit. He sits up, and looks at the candle. He smiles, and it's the prettiest thing in the world. His beautiful smile, his wonderful eyes, him, lit up by a single candle, and his own happiness. "You're so beautiful." I whisper and he looks at me, the smile still on his face.

"Really?" He asks, his voice quiet. I lean in and kiss him gently, quickly, but enough. When I pull away and I nod.

"Really." I say, smiling as well. He wraps his arms around my neck and he chuckles.

"Well then damn winter. It can snow as much as it wants cause I'm staying right here with you." He says and my smile widens.

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." I sing quietly, making him laugh before we kiss again under the candle light.

A/N: Day two complete! Sorry this one is shorter. Pretty much just cute, nonsensical fluff. =)

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