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(Mark's P.O.V.)

I sigh, just laying down in bed. Seán is taking a shower right now, and I'm just... Laying here. He's been so distant lately, and all I want to do is hug him and cuddle him. But the haters on YouTube have just gotten to him, and it's made him distant. He's just so... Fragile.

"You said they make fun of your body

Humiliation in your eyes when you told me

Well I'm gonna find them, don't you worry

I'll make sure they're really fucking sorry."

I sit up at the sound of singing. Soft singing, but loud enough I can hear it through the closed door and running water. I turn towards the attached bathroom door, smiling softly as I listen to him sing. 

"You said you're embarrassed of your body

You told me you think you're really ugly

Well my love, I know you don't see

What I see."

I stand up and walk towards the door, opening it quietly and stepping into the bathroom. His words echo off the walls, his voice resonating in my head. It's beautiful.

"Anything that is beautiful 

People want to break

And you are beautiful 

I'm afraid.

Anything that is beautiful

People want to break

And you are beautiful 

I'm af-" 

I must have made a noise or something cause suddenly his singing stops. I then see him peek around the shower curtain and he shrieks, slipping backwards. Immediately my smile falls and I look at him with concern, watching as he grabs the shower curtain, only to bring it down with him. He manages to fall on his arm, which makes it so he doesn't hit his head, thank god. 

Immediately he covers himself with the shower curtain, just laying in the bathtub with the shower still running. I go over and turn the shower off as he looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Mark! What the hell?!" He yells at me, panting quietly. He stands then, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around himself instead of the shower curtain. And as soon as he does I frown. Cause he doesn't just cover himself waist down, but neck down. And I suddenly understand exactly why he was singing that song.

"Seán..." I say, walking up to him. He keeps a firm grip on the towel, even after I put my hands on it and tug a bit.

"Mark, no." He says sternly. I tug again, he tugs back harder. It's a small wrestling match for a second, but soon I manage to get hold of the towel. I wrap it around him again, but this time from the waist down so I can see his chest and stomach. He immediately crosses his arms over his chest, looking to the side.

"Seán you're beautiful..." I whisper, smiling softly. He shakes his head.

"I hate it." He whispers back, biting his lip afterwards. I sigh, uncrossing his arms and taking his hands in my own. 

"You said you're ashamed of your body

You'd rather die than show me

But I would love you in any 

Form you'd take."

I continue the song he was singing, looking over his figure. His skin is pale, and scarred. He's so skinny you can see his ribcage, and to any other person he'd look sick. But to me, he's absolutely beautiful.

"You said that they say you're disgusting

They told you you were thin and unworthy

Well my love I hope you trust me

When I say you have the perfect body."

He looks at me with tears in his eyes, still biting his lip. He steps out of the tub and I put my arms around him, dancing around with him as he just looks at me. We sway back and forth while I study him, and he studies me. 

"Anything that is beautiful 

People want to break

And you are beautiful

I'm afraid

Anything that is beautiful

People want to break

And you are beautiful

I'm afraid."

I kiss him softly, my hand trailing up and down his back. He kisses back, tears streaming down his cheeks. And when I pull away, he doesn't speak. So I do.

"You are beautiful. You have always been beautiful, and you always will be beautiful. Anyone that tells you otherwise is jealous, because you are perfect angel. Absolutely beautiful, and perfect."

All he does is look up at me with a soft smile and whispers...

"It's easier to say that when you don't think the way I do... But thank you." 

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