Two Halves of One Whole Idiot

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A/N: So real quick, this story takes place in a world like Undertale (but it's not Undertale), where basically after death or near death souls visibly leave the body like little hearts, and then they shatter which leaves the host completely and utterly dead. Again THIS IS NOT UNDERTALE! This is the only factor from Undertale that is carrying over to this one-shot.

(Mark's P.O.V.)

I chuckle, watching as Seán starts swinging our arms back and forth, our hands together as our fingers are intertwined. He looks at me with a warm smile, one full of happiness and energy. Laughter, joy, and everything in between. Love. I give him a look of my own, one that speaks of all the same things but in my own way.

Then we both turn back to the way we're walking, Seán still swinging our arms back and forth and back and forth. It's been six months. Six months since we started dating; six months since I found my happiness. It's been four months since he moved in; four months since my life became closer to perfect then it ever has before.

Now it's evening, the sun dangerously close to gone for the night, the moon already high in the sky. Seán and I decided to take a walk through the park, and we're heading home now, though we're taking the shorter, less busy way. Almost no cars are on the road, in fact I haven't seen a car for a couple minutes now.

I look up at the sky, smiling, watching as starts start coming out, shining down on us. "Look." I whisper, pointing to the evening star. Seán looks up and his smile widens. I look at him, staring at every feature on his face, every part of him that I love, which is everything. "Make a wish."

He looks over at me before looking back at the star. "You know what I wish for?" He asks. I tilt my head to the side and he answers without looking. "That our lives together will always be perfect." He whispers, and I go behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and putting my head on his shoulder, still staring at the star.

"You know what I wish for?" I ask. He looks at me. I look at him. "The exact same thing." I say and we kiss softly. It isn't much, just a short, sweet kiss. Once he pulls away he smiles, sighing softly. I sigh back, and he chuckles.

"Goober." He says, his Irish accent ringing in my ears. I laugh quietly.

"Green bean."

"Shut up." He laughs now, and although somewhat loud, it's pleasant and rings in my ears. It reminds me of how lucky I am, how happy I am, how perfect it all is...

Of course perfection doesn't last forever...

Seán walks out of my grip, and turns to me, glancing at the crosswalk. "Come on Mark, I'm hungry." He says, and starts walking across. But it's already to late. The empty road is suddenly occupied by a speeding car, and it runs straight into Seán. My eyes widen and I watch as the car slams on the breaks. The driver looks out the window, his eyes widen, and then he speeds away.

It's only then I comprehend what happened. "Seán!" I scream, running into the street and dragging him to the sidewalk. Once there, I kneel down next to him, picking him up and looking him over. He looks broken, bloodied. "No..." I whisper. I shake him slightly. "Come on, come on. Wake up." I say, tears in my eyes. They spill.

He doesn't wake up. More blood drips from his mouth, his eyes closed, his breathing barely noticeable. And then... His heart, his soul, the green heart that signifies his being, floats up out of his body and my eyes widen. I grab it, not letting it go. I look at Seán, watching as his breathing stops.

"No... No, no, no, no, no, no, no..." I cry softly. I open my hand slowly, watching as the heart slowly starts to shatter. I inhale softly, shakily, crying now. "You'll be fine..." I say softly, not really believing myself. The heart shatters a bit more. "We'll go home... Eat dinner..." It shatters more. I sob quietly. "We'll kiss, and cuddle..." I remember the feeling of his arms around me as his heart shatters a bit more.

"We'll be together... Happy..." I say, tears falling onto his limp chest. "You'll laugh..." Shatters... "You'll cry..." Shatters more... "We'll get married..." By now half of the heart is gone. I close my hand around it again, bringing him up and hugging him. "Seán..." I whisper his name, crying into his shoulder, knowing he won't hug me back. He won't laugh. He won't cry. He won't smile, or whine.

I pull away and look at his bloodied face, how peaceful he looks. I clench my fist tighter around the green soul, around him, around my hope. I cry. I yell. I want him. I want him back. I want him alive. I look down at my hand and I hope, I hope and hope that everything will be okay. That it'll be perfect just like we wished. Please...

(Seán's P.O.V.)

My eyes flutter open and at first my mind is completely blank. Then I remember. I was walking with Mark. Something happened. It all went black. I feel something underneath me, something liquid. I look down. It's obviously blood, but I have no clue where it came from. I'm obviously uninjured. Wait. Mark! I turn slowly, not being able to move any quicker. I'm still incredibly weak.

I look over and see Mark laying next to me on the sidewalk, his back turned to me. "Mark?" I ask softly, my voice a mere whisper. I become more aware, more awake. "Mark?" I ask a bit louder. He doesn't move, doesn't respond. I start to become scared. "Mark?!" I ask, more worried this time. However, now, he moves a bit, and groans softly.

"Five more minutes." He grumbles. I sigh in relief, but still confused as to what happened. Mark then turns and faces me, holding his hand out. I take it, intertwining my fingers with his. "Hey angel." He says, using his pet name for me. "How are you feeling?"

I shrug softly, smiling. He smiles too, and sighs, shaking his head, tears threatening to spill. "What's wrong?" I ask, worried again. He comes over and wraps me in a hug, one that I return.

"I swear to god if you ever scare me like that again..." He whispers, crying softly. I shake my head, my memory coming back.

"I won't." I whisper. I look at his back, watching as his soul becomes visible from where his heart is. I knew this a long time ago, the fact that his soul is pink and mine is green. But now... His soul is different. It's half pink, half green. "You saved me..." I whisper it as I think it, unable to stop the words from leaving my mouth.

He nods, still crying. "I didn't know what else to do. You were dead... I couldn't leave you. I couldn't let you leave me. I need you Seán, I need you to be here with me forever. I need you to cuddle me, and kiss me, and laugh with me, and cry with me. I need you to live... Now literally, along with metaphorically." He says softly. I nod, crying as well.

I'm okay. We're okay. And we share a soul. He loves me so much he was able to spare half of his soul to save mine... And I know I'd do the same thing in a heartbeat if the occasion arose. I'd do anything for Mark, just like he'd do anything for me. Cause, like he said, I need him to live. I always have, and I always will.

A/N: How many of you thought I would kill Seán in this? Cause, you know, I wouldn't blame you if you did. I also wouldn't blame you if you didn't. I don't know. I liked this one. It was sad, but I enjoyed writing it a lot and it was happy in the end. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! =) <3 Till next time!

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