Sleepy Time

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(Seán's P.O.V.)

I sigh softly, turning in bed so I'm laying on my side, staring at my lover laying next to me. He smiles at me sleepily, laying on his back but looking over at me. I smile back at him, cuddling up next to him and wrapping my arm around his torso. 

"I always wished I'd have a boyfriend to lay with, and now you're here." I say and he chuckles, wrapping his arm around me in return. He kisses the top of my head, pulling me closer to his chest.

"And I always wished to have someone to hold, and now you're here. So thank you." He says, his deep voice even deeper with how soft he's speaking. I kiss his nose before looking into his dark brown eyes, a smile on my face. 

"Thank you." I reply, nuzzling my head in his neck. He nods slightly, bringing his other hand to my hair so he can play with it. He starts messing with my hair, twirling strands before letting them fall just to move onto another strand of hair. "I love when people play with my hair."

"Yeah?" He asks and I nod, a blush finding it's way to my cheeks.

"Yeah. When I was younger I used to have friends that would play with my hair, just to braid it or something. And then I didn't have friends that did that anymore, and I didn't have a boyfriend. But now I have you, and you play with my hair." I say, closing my eyes for a second since I'm so tired. He nods, playing with my hair still.

"Well I like playing with your hair. Your hair is one of my favorite things about you."

"Everything is your favorite thing about me."

"Exactly." I laugh at this, though it's quiet and seems more like a chuckle. I really do love everything about this man, this lovely human being that I call mine. I pull away from his neck, looking him in the eye as he looks at me. "You're eyes are my favorite though." He whispers this and I smile, putting my hand on his cheek.

"You're everything is my favorite." I say and he smiles, putting his lips to mine. My eyes slip shut, and I just let him kiss me, as I kiss him back. It's a slow, sweet kiss, since both of us are tired and admittedly just want sleep. I back away and look at him, my eyes droopy. "I love you Mark."

He smiles at me and kisses me once more, real quick, before pulling away. "I love you too Seán." And with that I smile, closing my eyes and resting my head against his chest, my arm still around him, his arm still around me. And we fall asleep in each other's embrace.

A/N: Real short real quick story. I'm really tired and just in the mood for some nonsensical fluff, so... hope you enjoyed! Goodnight everyone =) <3

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